Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Bad dogs, not blue dogs!

[Photo from here.]

BS Alert notes today that there were five Democratic senators who voted against a public option in the healthcare reform package.

They are:

Max Baucus, Montana
Kent Conrad, North Dakota
Blanche Lincoln, Arkansas
Bill Nelson, Florida
Tom Carper, Delaware

If it is true that a high percentage (81%) of our citizens favor a public option, why would these five bad dogs vote against it?

The answer is easy: money! And lots of it.

We've already noted that Max Baucus is a hired hand of the insurance industry, bought and paid for and he delivered as per his instructions.

The rest? Well, they are all recipients of the the health insurance industry's largess.

Here are some figures from BS Alert:

Baucus - $7,734,102
Lincoln - $4,190,592
Conrad - $3,287,891
Nelson - $2,414,895
Carper - $1,592,380

All told: $19 million.

Nelson is from Florida, the state wherein I live. He's also a member of the ultra-secretive, right-wing, christianist operation known as The Family which believes its members are called by God to wield power in the world and thus are not to be held to normal standards of behavior and accountability.

Nelson needs to go and Florida needs to elect someone who's committed to our Constitution and not to Jesus.

They all need to go. They are traitors to the cause. The Democratic Party has enough problems without its members acting like Repugnicans!

1 comment:

Bob Poris said...

The voters must wake up or they will get what they deserve.

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