Friday, October 16, 2009

Bible burning in North Carolina

Nyah, nyah! My bible's better than your bible. Your bible is evil! We're gonna burn your bible 'cause our god told us to! Hah, hah!

h/t to God Is For Suckers

1 comment:

A World Quite Mad said...

I read about this the other day. I know exactly where this is, because I grew up near there. It didn't surprise me in the least.

I'd say they should ask a Rabbi how many translation errors there are in the OT of the KJV, but they wouldn't believe it. IMHO, if they're that hellbent on having the "authoratative" source on god or whatever, they should really learn to read Hebrew, Aramaic, and ancient Greek and then they can comment on the "infallability" of the KJV. LMAO

"Dort, wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man am Ende auch Menshen." (Where books are burnt, in the end they burn people.) --Heinrich Heine

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