This Repugnican congressperson, this rightwhitewingnut from Alabama, is whining these days that it is likely the guv'mint's gonna have to put some money into the Social Security Trust Fund.
Here's how Onenewsnow, the rightwhitewingnut news service, put it: Congressperson Bachus "warns that another taxpayer bailout is likely if the government has to start putting money into the Social Security Trust Fund instead of borrowing money from it." [My emphasis]
Now, read that again. Then again.
The Social Security Trust Fund is a "trust" fund, funded by the payroll taxes of millions of workers in order to provide for a certain little fallback money when they retire.
Hah! The damn Congress has been "borrowing" from this "trust" fund for years, thereby breaking their trust with the American people. So Bachus, being a true Repugnican, and a total wingnut, is complaining that the guv'mint may no longer be able to steal money from the rest of us who have "trusted" the guv'mint to ensure our money stays were it belongs, and may actually have to put money back into the fund to provide the retirement income that's rightly ours!
Someone tell this dipshit that Social Security is NOT an "entitlement" program!
And that is the current sad state of affairs. Social Security payments will be less next year because there will be no cost-of-living adjustments and Medicare premiums are going up. That may not matter when, like Bachus, you make hundreds of thousands of dollars per annum and all your retirement and health care needs are taken care of BY THE GOVERNMENT, but for a lot of folks, it's one hell of a big hit! And they're already hurting!
Bachus must be insane! Which isn't surprising. He is a Repugnican. He is worried that Social Security, "instead of being a revenue generator" for the guv'mint to use to "apply on the deficit," will need cash to stay afloat!
In other words, they steal our money and then cry about having to pay it back!!!
It's enough to drive the rest of us crazy! The Social Security Trust Fund has been, for years, a cookie jar into which the feds have dipped their sticky fingers to pull out what they thought they needed! That's supposed to be a no-no.
So now there's not enough money? There's money for every goddamn war the United States wants to fight, and there's money to bail out the high and mighty; hell, there's even money to help the "poor" car companies sell more cars -- Cash for Clunkers is the name of that program!
But when it comes to the real poor or the elderly or those in need, the Repugnicans begin whining about budgetary concerns just as Bachus is weeping crocodile tears about having to stop stealing from the Social Security Trust Fund.
The number of stoopid, lowdown, shyster, assholes in Congress is truly depressing.
no holocaust journal entries in quite some time...they were good and necessary...any planned?
Thanks, Chris...none are planned at the moment...but it's possible I'll do more in the future.
I worry about all those that agree with him!
At least Bachus can spell. I guess if your ancestors crawled from the ocean or from under a rock it changes your world view.
@ Anonymous - Join the stoopids who can recognize neither irony nor satire!
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