That's what's happening to Gov. Mark Sanford of South Carolina. It seems that no Republicans in the South Carolina House will support Sanford in his bid to keep his job. And it seems further than come January, an impeachment bill is destined to reach the South Carolina General Assembly.
Poor Mark. What makes this especially galling for Mark is that he knows he has been called by his god to "fight for conservative causes." That, says Mark is "what God wanted me to do with my life."
So what if he told "a little white lie" to deceive his staff while traveling to Argentina to rendezvous with a lover? So what if he is the subject of a couple of ethical investigations relative to his travel expenses "and disclosures"?
Those are simply minor missteps and, because he has not fulfilled the task set before him by his god, he has no intention of resigning.
It is possible that Mark has been spending too much time at The Family's house on "C" street in Washington. Mark appears to sincerely believe that there is a god somewhere who has empowered him to rule the world even if he is a crook and a liar.
I wonder if Mark has ever considered what that would make his god? A crook and liar?
More here.
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