Friday, September 4, 2009

Beware! Obama is coming to your school!

The United States is a country where the people truly care about public education. Public schools are well-funded, teachers are well-trained and well-paid, the latest technology has found a place in every classroom, administrators are truly concerned about their schools and not their careers...and people all over the country are applauding President Obama's plan to address school children across the nation and urge them to continue to work hard on their education so they can grow up to become useful citizens and leaders in the world of tomorrow.

Yeah, right!

The United States is a country filled with batshit crazy goofballs who hate public education, don't fund it properly, pay teachers a pittance, where technology, such as it is, consists of throw-away computers from corporate entites which have no further use for them, and where incompetent, brown-nosing administrators are the rule and not the exception.

It's also a country which includes a number of batshit crazy, Jesus-loving, hate-filled, racist nogoodniks who are truly stoopid!

President Obama does plan to address our nation's school children next week. He will talk about the importance of education, urge young people to stick with it, to study hard, and be responsible for their learning!

Sounds pretty damn good to me.

Not so, say the wackos on the right. Malkin cries that Obama is attempting to make "junior lobbyists" of our kids, and is trying to "radicalize" school children! Gary Bauer, a rightwhitewingnut, claims "the Obama adminstration is using its power in unprecedented ways" by invading public school classrooms.

In Texas, that great state filled top to bottom with insanity (and why the hell hasn't it seceded from the Union yet?) some ass-kissing administrators are refusing to "interrupt daily lesson plans" (Hah! I know how many teachers follow lesson plans!) to show the speech.

According to McClatchy, the Tarrant County Republican Party chairwoman, Stephanie Klick, said, "We're hearing from parents and grandparents that are not very happy. They really feel like it is political indoctrination. People don't like this. I have heard from some families that are planning to keep their kids home."

Right. Study hard, stay in school, take responsibility: doesn't that sound like "political indoctrination."

What a bunch of bozos!

But Florida...even Texas can't beat Florida for freaky, stoopid, racist Republicans! The chair of the state Repugnican Party had this to say [he's really, really stoopid, but that's no excuse!]:

"As the father of four children, I am absolutely appalled that taxpayer dollars are being used to spread President Obama's socialist ideology. The idea that school children across our nation will be forced to watch the President justify his plans for government-run health care, banks, and automobile companies, increasing taxes on those who create jobs, and racking up more debt than any other President, is not only infuriating, but goes against beliefs of the majority of Americans, while bypassing American parents through an invasive abuse of power."

This stoopid asshole wasn't done:

"...The address scheduled for September 8, 2009, does not allow for healthy debate on the President's agenda, but rather obligates the youngest children in our public school system to agree with our President's initiatives or be ostracized by their teachers and classmates."

Yup. Isn't that a hoot? Ostracized! Wow. In fact, most kids in Florida's classrooms won't understand a word Obama says because education in Florida has been so goddamned screwed up by the Republicans. Some kids can take a test, but they haven't learned anything!

But then we come to the crux of the problem. The man is a rightwhitewingnut who loves Jesus. He just hates libruls and democrats (small "d" purposely)! Public schools, to this dimwit, are to indoctrinate students in christianist theology and pave the road for a theocratic takeover.

"Public schools can't teach children to speak out in support of the sanctity of human life or traditional marriage. President Obama and the Democrats wouldn't dream of allowing prayer in school. Christmas Parties are now Holiday Parties. But, the Democrats have no problem going against the majority of American people and usurping the rights of parents by sending Pied Piper Obama into the American classroom."

Methinks Mark Karlin, at Buzzflash got it right when he said:

"...we are faced with a coordinated incendiary attack on President Barack Obama as an individual and beneficial public policies such as healthcare reform and climate control the likes of which are terrifying to a democracy.

"What is occurring is the same model: corporations who control the mainstream media and control the majority of elected officials on Capitol Hill use facistic [sic] 'coded' misinformation to rally a thunderously loud confused base to bollix up any legislation that would diminish their profits or power to control what happens in D.C."

The corporatists who rule are dreadfully fearful of Obama's agenda. They will use any means to stop him! Any means whatsoever! The thought of Obama speaking, even in the most innocuous terms, to our school children, terrifies them because the kids may decide they like the guy and further realize that their asshat parents are nuts.

"Now," says Karlin, knocking the White House's passive response to these various attacks, we find ourselves in "imminent danger of a toxic pathology out of control." And the media is "once again distracting us from the issue at hand -- healthcare -- by covering a right wing, GOP, Corporate PR Firm 'boycott' of a speech by President Obama encouraging students to study hard and take education seriously."

I think Karlin is absolutely on target. Watch and listen to Beck, Hannity, Coulter, Limbaargh, Malkin, Ingraham, Savage, and all the other fascist creeps on the right. Ultimately, this brouhaha about Obama's speech is the tip of the iceberg.

Again, from Karlin: "If President Obama doesn't become less Pollyanna and more Richard the Lionheart soon, the terrorism we will face will not be from Afghanistan but from within. ...

"The nation is afflicted with a pathological cancer that has moved into a real Red Alert for domestic and personal danger."

But what can you expect in a country where a growing number of people, egged on by the rightwhitewingnut media, are batshit crazy, Jesus-loving, hate-filled, truly stoopid, racist nogoodniks?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Radicalizing Children? Obama? Why is he arming them with AR 15s so they can show him support at town hall meetings?

No. That's the Batshit for Jeeezuz crowd. You see, apparently God cannot defend himself, so he needs to have his posse come and shoot up the town so we all know that there is only one God and Mohammed is his prophet---oops, wrong Abrahamic tradition, but still you get the picture.

Yep Stooopigs! Jacob, issues like this have been going on for years. This right here is why I homeschool. I have more than one reason, but a lot of those reasons reside in this effluvia you are witnessing, leaking out of our public school system, and from around it like so much puss out of a putrifying wound.

To quote a Ghostbuster character on the state of our Public Schools: "I have seen shit that will turn your white!"

There is in our public schools, a dangerous cultic undercurrent of Christian Supremacism, it was cultivated during the Stealth Campaigns in the 1980s and its been there squatting like a toad ever since, occasionally barfing up Bibles, Jingoism, Misinformation, periodically as Texas is doing, trying to rewrite textbooks, and not just science text books on evolution, but social studies and civics text books as well, in order to reflect and indoctrinate generations of children into this Christian Supremacist ideology, even if they are not {especially}if they are not Christian. And our tax dollars pay for that shit.

This is the just the tip of the iceberg, but you are right its an attempt to distract us from the healthcare debate. I suggest though, that we focus on this issue soon, or we might find ourselves unable to bridge an ideologically enlarged gendergap, with our own children.

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