Saturday, September 5, 2009

Michele Bachmann and the presidency

[Photo from]

This from Alex Koppelman at

It seems that Michele Bachmann, the Repugnican House twit from Minnesota, was talking with a Mike Gallagher, a "conservative" talk radio host, the other day and Ms. Bachmann, the twit, told Mr. Gallagher, the "conservative," that people like to criticize her because she is a female!

Furthermore, if the Democrats attack someone, that would indicate that someone is doing something right; ergo, Ms. Bachmann is doing something right.

Democrats, Ms. Bachmann, continued, go after someone like herself because "... with women politicians, they want to make sure no women, no woman becomes president before a Democrat woman, and so they're doing everything they can to, I think, sabotage women like Sarah Palin, perhaps women like myself, or similarly situated women, to make sure that we don't have a prominent national voice."

Well, as a Democrat, I can tell you that I lay awake at night trying to figure ways to make sure a Democratic woman gets to be president before a Republican woman.

I must admit, however, that the thought of either Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann in the Oval Office is too terrifying to contemplate.

But, no, Ms. Bachmann, it has nothing to do with your femininity. Democratic opposition to you and/or Sarah Palin is based solely on the fact that you both are unmitigated idiots, bound by really scary religious beliefs that seek to remake the United States into a theocratic state, and by the fact that you both are totally unqualified to be much more than lump of clay in a skirt.

Unfortunately, you have a "national voice" now, being a member of the House of Representatives (the history books are going to have a lot of fun with that fact). But every time you open you mouth, you prove how ignorant and how stupid you really are and much of the country convulses with gales of laughter mixed with horror at the thought you have anything to do with the governance of our country!

In fact, here's something you "voiced" in 2006. It sort of proves beyond all reasonable doubt that you are truly an idiot of the greatest magnitude!

God then called me to run for the United States Congress, and I thought “What in the world will that be for?” and my husband said “You need to do this,” and I wasn’t so sure, and we took 3 days and we fasted and we prayed and we said, “Lord. Is this what you want? Is this your will?” and after long about the afternoon of day two, he made that calling sure. And its been now 22 months that I’ve been running for United States Congress.

Who in their right mind would spend 2 years to run for a job that lasts 2 years? You’d have to be absolutely a fool to do that. You are now looking at a fool for Christ. This is a fool for Christ.
And in the midst of him making this calling sure, what has occurred now in this particular race is that this Congressional seat out of 435 in the country has become… it has been one of the top five races in the country, and in the last week this has become one of the top three races in the country, and you may have seen how God has in his own will, and his own plan, has focused like a laser beam after this scandal that came up about a week or so ago. He has focused like a laser beam in his reasoning on this race. The reason why this is one of the top three races is because this race will probably decide which way Congress goes this fall.

We could talk more about what that means for this nation, what this means for defeating radical Islam, what this means for what the future of the family is going to be, what this is going to mean for the future of the freedom of religious expression.

[Emphases added]


Bob Poris said...

I would be very upset if I were Jesus thinking that that nut, claims I want her to run anything affecting human beings. I would imagine there might be some humans that have something to offer humanity that Jesus might want to favor in some manner, assuming He has revoked free will.

Anonymous said...

Yea what a load of Malarky. I am with you Jacob. I don't just vote for it because it has a vagina, it has to have a working brain too, and has to be committed to using those brain powers for good. I think its quite clear that GOD used his Laser Beam Powers to fry whats left of her addled brain. I wouldnt elect that woman as a dog catcher. She can run for President of the Batcave. I didn't vote for John McCain for 2 major reasons. 1) He flip flopped to the Dark Side {theocratic Nutball side} and then 2} He picked that Brain Dead Harpie for a running mate, and had the balls to call *IT a feminist.

Thanks but no Thanks. I don't vote people into office who believe in Witch Hunting, even if they only do it in S. Africa. That just Sickened me. I wrote a big long piece about what happens to people who accused of Witchcraft in S. Africa, and what Sarah Palin and her ilk are supporting over there. It was as if the top of her flat head came off and we were all able to peer into a bottomless pit of ignorance.
Not my idea of a good candidate regardless of plumbing, ethnic background, etc., and so forth.

Anonymous said...

You need to watch these:

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