The subtitle to this post is: Hypocrisy R Us. Which is the new Repugnican motto.
Most people are hypocrites to some extent and/or at certain times. Which means simply that we fail to live according to the precepts we've laid out for ourselves. It's a universal human condition.
That's why it would behoove the great majority to shut up when it comes to judging other people or attempting to run their lives. But one of the great anomalies (& ironies) of our time is that the party which claims to admire and desire freedom above all else, also wants the power to regulate the morality of the people of this country according to their own prejudices.
Two issues come to mind: Abortion and equality for homosexuals.
Over the past several years, we have seen a number of Repugnican icons who have proclaimed loudly and publicly their commitment to "family values," bite the proverbial dust when caught in their own shenanigans.
It would matter less if they weren't such BIG hypocrites.
South Carolina seems to have a surfeit of such hypocritical Repugnicans, starting with the guv hisself - ol' Mark Sanford.
But, as if his lying and chasing a skirt in Argentina wasn't enough, a new scandal has arisen in the state that loves god and grits. Sanford's good friend, Kristin Maguire, a Jesus-loving evangelical, a true "conservative," has been caught with her hand in the sexual cookie jar, so to speak.
Maguire, who has advised Mark on issues related to education (hmm...anything else, Mark?) for several years, was appointed by the guv to the state's Board of Education. Then, lo and behold, Maguire got herself elected chairwoman of that board last year!
According to fitsnews.com (via BuzzFlash), Ms. Maguire is also a "prolific author of hardcore erotic fiction on the Internet." And FITS has the documents to prove it. Now, understand that Ms. Maguire is a real conservative, as we already noted. I mean she even home-schools all four of her children. (That's a bit ironic, too; that the chairperson of the state Board of Education - we're talking PUBLIC schools here - home-schools her kids!).
Oops, again. It seems much of the hardcore stuff Ms. Maguire has written has disappeared! But,
"FITS was able to use conversations in various Internet chat rooms ... to link at least two 'erotic stories' to Maguire's alleged pen name, 'Bridget Keeney.'"
Maguire did "confess" to FITS that she had visited websites which may have had some smutty stuff, but did not admit to writing any such herself.
As FITS notes, none of this is illegal. And I don't think there's any inherently wrong with writing erotic material. But ain't it funny? Another pious, super christianist, hits the hypocritical wall!
Oh, yes, Maguire is a strong supporter of "abstinence only" sex education.
Of course she is.
Read the entire FITS article here. And you can read two of her stories here (they are hard-core).
Late-breaking news: Ms. Maguire has resigned!
1 comment:
Amazing what too much religion seems to do to some people. I don’t care but they insist on telling others what to do. I would say screw them, but they seem to do that without my encouragement.
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