Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Republicans and Blue Dog Dems block health care reform

[Christianist wingnut lover of Jesus and hater of Obama, Jim DeMint]

Turns out, as we've known all along, that certain Democratic members of Congress have sold their souls to their corporate mentors just like Repugnicans do as a matter of course. The Blue Dogs, crabbing about how 60 years isn't long enough to talk about health care reform, want to continue the discussion into the fall!

But then, at least one of the Blue Dogs, has been bought and paid for by the health care industry and the drug companies.

It must be tough, to stand up front and pretend to care when all you really want to do and must do, to satisfy your masters, is delay and defeat true health care reform.

Now, the Republicans have no health care plan. But, typically, they don't give a rat's ass about the American people. All they care about is power so they can continue to feast off the bones of the middle and lower-classes. They were just about there, at the peak, where nobody could bring them down, and then this damn uppity you-know-what by name of Obama upended all their dreams.

Being racist to the core, Repugnicans like the profound christianist who has accepted Jesus as his lord and savior, Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC), are fighting tooth and nail to derail health care for the masses!

One of the major reasons they are doing this is because they believe that defeating Obama on healthcare will bring him down. DeMint, speaking to a bunch of like-minded wingnuts, said:

"If we're able to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo. It will break him."

Try to get your mind around that! DeMint does not care about the country, or the people of the country. It's not even a matter of principle. It's personal for this unprincipled christianist from the South! Bring Obama down. That's what these freaks want to do!

And that is the ugly face of the Repugnican Party in this country! No concern, no care, no plan. Just pure unbridled hatred!

1 comment:

Bob Poris said...

He is a born again Christian that has strayed and repented. That should qualify him to speak on anything with God’s authority, shouldn’t it?

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