Monday, July 20, 2009

Republican dumb ass governor - Rick Perry

Rick Perry, the clone of G. W. Bush, but even dumber, is back in the news...

It's hard to find a better word to describe Perry than dumbass. He keeps appointing scientifically-challenged nogoodniks to the State Board of Education who in turn keep insisting that Texas students learn all about how god created the world in six days six thousand years ago according to the word of god in as promoted in the biblical book of Genesis. These nogoodniks on the SBOE also rewrite history in the textbooks so the dear children of the Lone Star State don't hear about folks like Caesar Chavez or other such radicals, and they also refuse to provide appropriate sex education for Texas kids so Texas continues to be one of the leaders in teenage parenthood!

While Perry has not actually said he thinks Texas should secede from the Union because the big, bad politicians [especially Obama] in Washington are taxing the saddles right from under the big fat asses of Repugnican Texans everywhere, he has implied that it is a good idea, and actually threatened to do so quoting an old legal argument that, in fact, has no legal standing.

Perry is also one of those nogoodnik Republican governors who bitched and moaned about the stimulus funds provided for their states. Perry wasn't gonna take no damn stimulus money from Washington! No sirree! That might mean that down the road, say in 200-300 years, Texans might have to actually pick up the tab for taking care of their own needs and their own people. Can't have that! And Perry didn't want Washington's help, either. "Let them eat cake," is what he said, in essence, of the needy in Texas.

Where's a guillotine when you need one?

Now, though, big hair Perry is back in the news because Texas is financially strapped. Evidently big hair Perry couldn't see this coming. So -- now get this -- Perry wants the fedrul guv'mint to lend him some money "to cover the very expenses the rejected stimulus money would have paid for."

Ain't that sweet? What a dumbass!

According to CBS, Perry did accept $17 billion in stimulus funds, but (according to a CBS news blog) "rejected $555 million that would have covered state unemployment benefits. Perry said he was not accepting the money because the state would have been obligated to expand its unemployment coverage, creating too much of a long term tax burden."

Right. Screw the people. That's the Republican mantra. It's always about money, unless it's to pay off the corporate assholes that run this country!

Well, Texas' unemployment compensation fund is running short and big hair Perry needs money now. So, brushing back his mane of black hair, and climbing on his high horse, Perry rides off to the big city to ask for some of the money he should have accepted in the first place.

Funny, how with Repugnicans, their principles are always somehow determined by their wants and needs. Even George Bush became a "socialist" when he realized he had to bail out the banks or they were gonna fail resulting in an even bigger mess than the one he and his rich Repugnican compadres had already created.

Some Dems in Texas are upset with Perry. You think? Yeah, well, if Perry had accepted the stimulus money, it wouldn't have to be paid back. Now, he wants a loan and that Texas will have to pay that back (hopefully, with an high interest rate) to the feds!

And some people still think that the Repugnicans are better financial managers and can govern better than the Dems.



Bob Poris said...

The people get what they deserve. If they elect him and remain at the bottom for education, teen pregnancies, etc, they deserve what they get. I was sort of hoping Texas would secede. They would certainly find a way to seal their border with Mexico or perhaps Mexico would start a war to regain Texas. It might have been interesting for awhile.

Tommy Korioth said...

Many here in Austin believe that Perry is actually "touched." (That's what my grand-ma-ma use to call the mentally retarded.) A few years ago, at the behest of MADD our deep thinking Governor ordered the Alcoholic Beverage Commission officers to arrest drunk people in bars for the drunk driving they planned to do when they left. This also included bars that were part of hotels where the patrons were staying.

Lowell said...

Omigod, Tommy! That's the first I've heard this story! I think the many in Austin who believe that are right!

And this is one of the clowns that doesn't like "big" government telling people (well, him) what to do!

These people are just freaking weird!

Anonymous said...

Well hold on to your hat. Not only did he reject the unemployment stimulus, reject Chip for low income kids and NOW he wants to stop health care reform. He stated that if the Health bill passes, he will block Texans from getting it. This man is too silly to be believed.

Tracy Pace said...

Well said!!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait till he becomes president next year and all you liberals can continue to bitch and moan about how bad your lives are...and Christians can rejoice that they have a leader that can lead this country back on the right track.

darren said...

mr anonymous,

Rick Perry is not electable. He might be attractive to the far-right wing of the republican party (folks like you), and the t-baggers, but a much larger majority of the country than you would like to admit, does not agree with your idealogical ideas about where the country should be headed. Most of us feel strongly that the country should not be headed back to the 1800's, which is where rick perry and his ilk (bachman, palin, santorum, etc.) would take us.

my prediction is that his entry into the arena of US presidential politics will fizzle rather quickly. the most electable person in the republican field (romney) still seems to be loathed by you guys for some reason.

is he the "wrong brand" of religion for you? not racist enough? what's the deal?

Anonymous said...

I am watching Rick speak at a Republican Candidate Debate. I concur with the posters above, ole Rick is unelectable, is touched and if he is elected, people will have what they deserve...a fool.

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