Thursday, July 23, 2009

Bagdhad embassy boondoggle

The Bush administration saw no problem with beginning an unnecessary war in Iraq in order to help Bush 43 get over his inferiority complex relative to Bush 41 and, of course, to secure the Iraqi oil for all their compatriots in the energy business.

Cost in dollars and human lives be damned.

One of the biggest boondoggles was the construction of a monstrous embassy on the banks of the Tigris River. Hell, it only cost $700 million. It is essentially a city within a city and tightly secured against those Iraqis who might disapprove of such a massive US presence in their midst.

Altogether, the embassy currently has some 1,873 folks working there, alongside more than 13,000 contractors.

Hey, is Iraq a place to make some bucks? You betcha!

But there's a problem. Too many people are living the good life at the embassy, so now the guv'mint's talking about "downsizing" to, well, about 600.

Why do we need 600 people in a piddly-ass little country like Iraq which we are in the process of leaving to its own devices?

We don't. We didn't need the embassy in the first place! It's a monument to the utter stupidity and wastefulness of the Bush 43 administration! It's an insult to the Iraqi people!

It was built without consideration as to cost. Or as a State Department report put it: the embassy was built "without regard to the usual budget constraints on U.S. missions overseas."

And isn't it interesting that our leaders in Washington had no problem spending billions of dollars on an illegal and unnecessary war, along with $700 million on a unneeded and idiotic embassy, but have a terribly tough time finding the money to provide health care for all of our citizens?

1 comment:

Bob Poris said...

I am sad to have to agree with you!!!!!

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