Saturday, July 25, 2009

Pensions for Alaska Territorial Guardsmen?

Where is Sarah Palin when we need her? I mean, my god, the Feds are actually thinking about sending money from Washington to Alaska to restore pension payments to 26 old men who served during WWII in the Alaska Territorial Guard!

How can this terrible travesty be allowed to happen? Where, I ask again, is Sarah Palin? Why isn't she on a soapbox in Juneau denouncing this horrific invasion of Alaska's prerogatives and terrible attack on Alaska's "sovereignty"?

This is a clear example of Palin's hypocrisy! Can't Alaska take care of its own? Why does the federal government need to be involved? Were these men not part of ALASKA's Territorial Guard?

It is obvious and very dissapointing that Palin doesn't care anymore. She's a lame duck, I guess. She's probably got more important things on her mind, like what to wear to the next Pro-Life rally in Alabama or Mississippi or Texas. And we know she's obsessing about her chances to become the prez in 2012.

But still. More "socialism" from Washington, and Palin has nothing to say? So sad. She could at least tell those old men to fund their own damn pensions just like the rich folks.

1 comment:

Bob Poris said...

She has her supporters that want her as Commander in Chief. One wonders what she has proposed or even spoken about that would qualify her to handle any of the problems faced by all of us, including her friends.

It amazes and frightens me, but they do vote. What kind of nation do they want and how would Palin get it for them?

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