Saturday, March 1, 2008

McCain Not Renouncing Bigot's Support

John McCain says he has "unspecified disagreements" with his biggest bigoted supporter, John Hagee.

" ... in no way did I intend for his endorsement to suggest that I in turn agree with all of Pastor Hagee's views, which I obviously do not."

C'mon, John, be specific! Which of Hagee's view do you not agree with? Do you not agree that the Catholic Church conspired with the Nazis against the Jews? Do you not agree that we can have no accomodation with Islam? Do you not agree that Hurricane Katrina was God's punishment for the sins of the people of New Orleans? Do you not agree that anyone who has not accepted Jesus Christ as their lord and savior will burn in hell forever. Do you not agree that we should start a war with Iran to bring on the end-times where the Jews will finally get what's coming to them? Do you not agree that women are inferior to men? Do you not agree that homosexuals are perverts and deserving of God's unending wrath?

So, tell us, John, which views of the wrong Mr. Hagee do you not agree with?

And how can you stand there and tell us with a straight face that Hagee "supports what I stand for and believe in"? How can you stand there and tell us with a straight face that you're "proud" of Hagee's spiritual leadership?

Do you need to president so bad you're going to keep on selling your soul?

Now I think it was important that Barack Obama rejected and renounced the support of Louis Farrakhan. I think that it was important that Obama said clearly that he does not want nor does he seek the support of Louis Farrakhan.

I think it is also important that you screw up enough courage to do the same relative to John Hagee, Rod Parsley, and all the other other nasty, bigoted, screwball right wing clergy that line up behind you.

We'll be waiting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One would expect McCaine to do as Obama did and reject the support of bigots. If he doesn;t thaen Russell and others should let the public know that his feet are indeed made of clay or he walks in bull doo doo.
Bob Poris

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