Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Holocaust Journal (Lest We Forget)

Germany - 1935 Continued

Adolf Hitler warned, in 1934, that "blood desecration" and "defilement of the race" were the "original sin."

He spelled it all out in his notorious treatise, Mein Kampf.

Hitler was convinced that it was a law of nature that "every animal mates only with a member of the same species..." His peculiar race theory held that Aryans were innately superior and thus he vowed to end any contamination of the Aryan race.

The worst contamination, for Hitler, was the mating of Jews and Aryans. As we have seen, the 1935 "Law for the Protection of German Blood" criminalized sexual relations between Aryrans and non-Aryans.

By 1945, the penalty for this "race defilement" was execution.

* July 1 - The anti-Semitic Society for Research into the Teaching of Ancestral Heritage is founded to study German racial history.

* August 25 - Martin Niemoller, the leading Protestant anti-Nazi, said in a sermon that Jewish history is "dark and sinister" and that Jews will be forever "under a curse" because they "brought the Christ of God to the cross," and because they are also responsible for the "blood of all the righteous men who were ever murdered." (This was an anti-Nazi!!!)

* October 18 - The Law for the Protection of the Hereditary Health of the German People was passed by the German government.

* November 14 - The National Law of Citizenship is put into effect through all of Germany. This establishes for the first time an official definition as to who is a Jew.

* November 15 - The German churches begin collaborating with the Nazis by providing parish records noting who is a Christian and who is not. Those who are not Christians are Jews.

* December - Heinrich Himmler, the head of the SS, orders the establishment of the Lebensborn (Fountain of Life) network of maternity homes, the purpose of which is to take care of pregnant women considered to be "racially and genetically valuable."

* December 31 - The last of the Jews working in Germany's civil service are dismissed.

Beginning in 1935, Poland's Jewish policy follows that of Germany and Jews are set upon throughout the land. Many thousands of Jews flee Poland - for Holland, France, Belgium, and Palestine.

In the U.S., as in Poland, universities have quotas for Jewish students. "American discrimination restricts the Jewish presence in education, jobs, and housing just as it keeps Eastern European Jews out of the United States."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am not convinced that a lot has changed since then, other than there are 6 million less Jews in the world. It is still obvious that Jews are seen as “different” and treated with some suspicion. They are treated as if there is some monolithic thinking. Somehow when the term Jews is used, it seems to imply a unity of thought or action. We still hear that THE JEWS have too much influence; The Jews control something or other; etc. the amazing thing is we rarely hear that the Lutherans dominate something, or the Episcopalians, have too much influence or Baptists stick together, etc. They all have the luxury of being able to act as if they were normal people, like non Jews are. Even as a Jewish state, it is assumed that they seek to take over entire countries, yet there is no evidence of it. Actually, they gave up the Sinai, they have never annexed Gaza or westbank, Lebanon, etc. Facts never interfere with the accusations.
If Hitler could do it to Europe, someone could do it again to Jews or any minority, anywhere. Genocide is still around. It never went away. Only the victims disappeared.
Bob Poris

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