Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A Fox in the Hen House

This from BS Alert: "Fox Entertainment Group Acquires Beliefnet."

Another one I missed. A story datelined December 4, 2007 says that the Fox Entertainment Group acquired Beliefnet, "a Web site that enables consumers to better understand their faith and build diverse spiritual communities by providing content and tools for a broad range of religions and spiritual approaches."

Just in case you mistakenly thought this was about religion, consider... Fox is certain this acquisition will help Fox Digital Media expand its "vast cable, TV and film brands online, and drive FEG's (Fox Entertainment Group) continued growth in the online market."

There's more. The acquisition gives Beliefnet "vast resources to further build and enhance its already popular brand. It also offers an online platform for FEG to distribute content from its extensive library and for News Corp. to expand its faith-based businesses, including HarperCollins' Zondervan and HarperOne brands, and 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment's faith-based programming initiative."

This is all pretty exciting for all those folks raking in big bucks by selling religious stuff. "The Faith and Spirituality market is strong and continues to grow. According to the Pew Internet Project, over 82 million Americans and 64% of all Internet users utilize the Web for faith-related matters."

Boy, Jesus really screwed up. He had a good thing going, but his marketing skills were nil. Can you imagine what he could have done if he had put together a really hip bunch of guys to make the rounds of Palestine with papyrus posters telling of his healing and feeding ministries?

They could have hired front people in all the towns who then could have briefed people in their communities on a daily basis what Jesus was up to, and when he might visit their village. They could have even expanded into some of the large Greek cities and really gotten some coverage!

Jesus could have benefited, too. He could have asked for a few donations to help provide for his needs and pay his staff. He could have expanded his operation into Egypt, Mesopotamia, Macedonia, even Greece. I'm sure he would have been able to afford a cart and a donkey; heck, maybe a little gold trim, even...and some new sandals; don't forget the sandals!

I'll betcha he'd have gotten so famous and powerful that the Romans wouldn't have dared hang him on a cross! They might even have added him to their pantheon. Or, maybe he could have bribed Pilate to bug off!

Oh well, at least now we have Fox Entertainment Group to push the spiritual message. In an "entertaining" way, of course. And FEG might make as much as the TV evangelists if they work at it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't worry...just pray.
Bob Poris

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