Monday, March 24, 2008

Dobson's Minions Con the State of Florida

Talk 2 Action reports on two bills currently before the Florida legislature.

These two bills breach, with impunity, the wall of separation between church and state.

House Bill 707 and Senate Bill 630 have been written in such a way that persons registering a vehicle or renewing their registration in the state of Florida, or applying for a driver's license in the state of Florida, may make a "voluntary" contribution to "Family First," a non-profit corporation.

What is this all about? Why should any agency of the government collect funds for a private, non-profit corporation?

Well, Florida First is the DBA for the Florida chapter of far-right-wing Christian poohbah James Dobson's Focus on the Family (Florida Family Council), and right-wing Christian poohbahs like James Dobson have a lot of followers and thus a lot of clout in the Sunshine State.

Obviously this is a violation of the United States Constitution. What I want to know is if Dobson knows about this. If he does, and I would guess he does, then he must answer for his willingness to break the laws of the land.

This would seem to be another instance of Christian theocrats moving in the shadows to insinuate themselves into high places the better to further their cause of eventually controlling the government itself.

You may check out these bills at the links below.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is an old tactic of all sorts of people and organizations. It is good PR for them and frequently they get away with it. Sometimes individuals or the ACLU will sue and usually win, but the PR for the ones that can then condemn the ACLU for being liberal, is good for them too. Liberal or not, few organizations watch out for the Constitution rights of all of us.
Bob Poris

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