Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Bush's Easter Sermon

[The following was taken from an article in The Nation.]

On Easter weekend, Bush gave his weekend radio address to the nation. I didn't listen. According to The Nation, the prezident sounded "more like a pastor than a president."

He "quoted from and repeatedly referenced the Christian Bible. The address was every bit as religious in tone and text as those delivered today by the leaders of theocratic states that identify as having an officially-sanctioned faith."

On this Easter, Bush referred to remembering "a sacrifice that transcended the grave and redeemed the world," and "the gift that took away death's sting and opened the door to eternal life."

As Molly Ivins always said, the man is a moron!

He can believe any damn thing he wants to, but he is the president of the United States, a nation that encompasses millions of people who do not follow the Christian faith, and millions of people who understand Christianity in a much different way than he does. He's NOT the nation's pastor.

Unfortunately, he shows again how he really is not smart enough to be president of anything. Could there possibly be a more flagrant snubbing of the constitutional doctrine of the separation of church and state?

As noted by The Nation, Thomas Jefferson was quite clear on where the line was that separated church and state: He once wrote "Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man & his god, that he owes account to none for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between church and state."

Jefferson also wrote that "I have refrained from presenting even occasional performances of devotion..."

By now, many people have concluded that Mr. Bush is essentially amoral. So, his Christian references and proclamations in his Easter Sermon (address) must be calculated to profit himself or his party in some material way. Perhaps he feels this is preaching to his base, which will rise up and give him support for his economic and war policies--support that will carry over to his "prez in waiting," John McCain.

We'll probably never know what goes on in his feeble mind. Hell, we can't even get emails from the White House.


Anonymous said...

Amazing that no one in either House or the Supreme Court or any leader has the guts to inform Bush that he has crossed a line. He continues to act as King and apparently there is nothing to do but wait for his term to end. It is not ignorance! He simple has decided that he can do as he pleases and no one can change his mind.
We could be in serious trouble if the next President takes the same approach.
Bob Poris

Anonymous said...

That is why it is critically important for our country that we elect the Democratic Party's candidate and not McCain!

Bush is totally contemptuous of the Constitution. He has shown his contempt for it by trashing the Bill of Rights which includes separation of church and state, freedom of speech and freedom of the press.
Our mass media has been complicit by allowing Bush to assault the Constitution without so much as an objection.

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