Imagine Tony Soprano without the good looks, the charm, the humor.
Meet NJ's new governor. The (not so) honorable Chris Christie.

Here he is with his future defense attorney. Considering that our new governor likes to drive recklessly and then threaten the police Rudy should come in handy.

And here he is looking for his brains.

I can't say I'm surprised by what the news is calling an "upset". I am disappointed. My fears about my fellow citizens have come to light - when push comes to shove they only care about their little tiny patch of toxic land.
And there are those intellectual giants who probably thought they were voting for Christ. Or maybe they liked how CC looked on the shiny magical voting box. I met these folks at healthcare town meetings.
Homer Simpson could have won this election - all you had to do was bark as loudly as possible about property taxes.
And pander to those who have never lived anywhere but here and never read a newspaper - convince them that NJ has it worse than any other state (not true) and blame it all on a one term governor. It didn't help that Corzine has the personality of mulch. He couldn't excite a room full of imprisoned women if he had a vibrator stapled to his head.
Our new governor thinks women do not have the right to choose. He thinks gay people should not be allowed to marry. His children all attend parochial schools and he thinks early childhood education is "babysitting". He loves insurance companies. He adores big corporations.
He is a match made in the hell that I fear we are sliding toward.
And the funniest thing of all is that most economists say his proposals to lower taxes won't work anyway. Most say that Corzine would have kept taxes stable while continuing to save basic services.
I know this because I did my homework. I read both websites and then I checked their claims with third party sources.
My fellow NJ'ers apparently didn't have the time - they were far too busy screaming at town hall meetings and setting up their little anti-Obama tables outside the post office. Hell, it takes time to draw in the Hitler mustache.
This very same "upset" happened in Virginia. Be proud all ye Christie-ites - you're slipping closer and closer to the Mason-Dixon line.
Yo Democrats! Wise up. If you party doesn't start fighting back the only blue you'll have is the balls you sadly lack.
As for me and my new governor. I will bestow upon him the same respect Fox News gives the President. I hope he fails. I think he's a racist. He is absolutely part of a conspiracy to destroy American ideals.
Christie challenged Corzine to "man up and just call me fat" - Corzine didn't. I will.
You're fat Chris. A fat liar. A fat bully. A big fat slug in the Garden of this State.
1 comment:
The citizens of New Jersey voted for him. They will get what they deserve for four years. For those that didn’t vote, they deserve anything that the voters grant them. At some point, hopefully the electorate will wake up and understand what they are voting for.
I hope they are happy with their new governor.
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