Viola! It was transformed into human heart tissue! Yes! Isn't that amazing? Cracker to heart! You gotta love it!
Most medical university professors are dedicated scientists, and thus skeptical of outrageous claims such as this. But not Professor Maria Sobaniec-Lotowaska, who teaches at a medical university in Bialystok.
She says the material found in the container was indeed heart tissue.
How does she know that? No one knows. But she's very religious, said one colleague. And evidently forgot about her scientific training, as it appears she did not "carry out molecular and genetic testing."
Another colleague, a biologist, claims this so-called heart tissue was nothing more than a bacteria growing on the bit of cracker.
Scientists think "The professor saw what she wanted to see."
You think?
I mean, the holy Roman Catholic Church nutcases say it was not a hoax and the local police say there was no fraud, so what else could it be but heart tissue.
From cracker to heart. Right in a little Polish village. Jesus be praised!
And the deity laughed so hard at such nonsense, he fell off his golden throne which created a universal disturbance which further depleted the ozone layer which resulted in a rapid increase of global warming.
See, global warming isn't man-made after all!
It's god's fault. And that damn little cracker!
Maybe she will use it as a transplant in another believer. People get what they deserve.
I was brought up by loons like this!!
it is a wonder I got out alive ;)
as always, please feel free to use anything from my blog at any time
it's always an honor my friend
@ Dianne - Thank you so much! Your post is up and looking good. A delightful rant filled with perspicacious purplish prose about the fat rat!
Have a great weekend. And the honor is mine!
Thank you so much for sharing this post/topic to us. God Bless!
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