When Alan Grayson, a Congressional Representative from Florida (yeah!) called Linda Robertson a "K Street Whore," he was not off base at all. According to Howie Klein at the Huffington Post, Ms. Robertson, now "the Fed's head lobbyist" (formerly Enron's head lobbyist) began "attacking congressmen pushing for an audit of the Fed--primarily Grayson and Ron Paul-- ... Grayson reacted by pointing out that Robertson has a long and well-known career as a 'K Street whore.' She shills for whoever pays her. When it was Enron, she helped them steal billions of dollars from taxpayers and rate-payers and now that it's the Fed, she is crawling about DC starting whispering campaigns about members of Congress who are demanding the audit that the Fed dreads more than anything."
When the nogoodniks in our political life come under attack, they rally around the flag and scream bloody murder. Thus, Grayson quickly became the bad guy. Instead of considering whether or not what he said was accurate, he was beaten bloody by pious hypocrites who just couldn't believe he could so gross and uncaring and actually call a whore a whore.
A spokesperson for the RNC thought Grayson "a vile and vulgar man" who doesn't belong anywhere near Congress (because Congress is comprised of so many upstanding people, dontcha know). Even some Democrats jumped on the anti-Grayson bandwagon.
All of which is understandable for as Klein says, the word, whore, could be applied to "almost any member of Congress," as they take "immense sums of money from the very corporations on whose interests they are legislating." One of the biggest whores in Congress is none other than the man who ran for president on the Repugnican ticket in 2008, John (who never met a lobbyist he didn't like) McCain!
So the problem of whoring is one thing. And it infects most everybody in Washington, DC. But, it's not quite that simple for there are good whores and bad whores. Bad whores (most every Repugnican) take the money, provide the services for which they are paid, and ignore the needs of the people they are supposed to represent.
Good whores (some Democrats) take the money, provide a modicum of services for their benefactors, but also try (on occasion) to legislate matters so as to benefit the people they are supposed to represent.
It's not about whether the term "whore" was appropriate. Of course it was. It applies perfectly to Ms. Robertson and most members of Congress. What it's about is the difference between the good whores and the bad whores.
What's really funny, though, is the feigned indignation from the nogoodniks on the right. These are the same people who defend Limbaarger's racism, Glenn Beck's weepy tirades which include calling the president of the U.S. a racist; the same people who stand with a Michele Bachmann in front of the Capitol and scream that a bill to provide health care to Americans in need is the worst threat America has ever faced.
Our future doesn't bode well. Whores overrun Washington, D.C. like rats overrun New York City. Many of the representatives in Congress are certifiably insane. The people of our land consists, to a large extent, of broomsticks who, even if they had a brain, don't know how to read or comprehend anything more complicated than a McDonald's menu.
So, when an Alan Grayson shows up, all we can do is stand and cheer. And when he's attacked for speaking truth to power, we need to stand behind him. For even if we don't always agree with what he says or does, he is a light unto the darkness, a beacon of truth, a laser that might just blast away some of the blight that now covers the capitol city.
Read all of Mr. Klein's article here.
And for information of Mr. Grayson, click here.
1 comment:
It is usually a question of how is the messenger
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