Saturday, September 12, 2009

Right wing fringe now mainstream GOP - Rachel Maddow

This is from last night - but please watch it! This is all so scary for the well-being of the commonwealth!


Bob Poris said...

In time, there will be a new party made up of disaffected former Republicans that want a real opposition party, not an old Southern Party seeking to turn back the Civil War, reestablish slavery, put a preacher in every classroom, kill for the right to life, etc. It could include real conservatives, liberals, independents, etc that are not quite at home in either existing major party. It could help resolve problems with reasonable solutions that all sides could compromise upon for the greater good.

It might even allow for the removal of burdensome perks, privileges etc and make Congressional people really responsible for corruption, graft etc or go directly to jail to do hard time for abusing the privilege of serving us all.

It could be the start of something new…a song cue, if I ever heard one!

Anonymous said...

If you find that party let me know. This talk of secession from high ranking politicians makes me edgy. After the last 10 years of having my patriotism questioned by the barely literate party of six toed inbreds, this is no great surprise to me, to see them dawning their white sheets and pulling out their guns.
Sad, but not surprising.

And quite frankly, Rachel Maddow and others are only finding out what many religious and ethnic minorities have known for years. Glad to see they are finally catching up.

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