Mike Duvall was a California State Assemblyman. Not so long ago, durng a legislative hearing up in Sacramento, Duvall, who is a married, rightwhitewingnut family values guy -- you know, a typical Repugnican -- decided to tell a colleague all about his sexual exploits with two women, neither being his wife. One of the women, according to latimes.com, "is a lobbyist for a major utility before Duvall's committee" (he was vice chair of the Utilities and Commerce Committee). The problem, for Duvall, is that a videotape was running and it caught the whole thing, which was later aired on KCAL TV.
Isn't this fun? Duvall received a 100% rating from the Capitol Resource Institute, "a conservative, self-described 'pro-family' advocacy organization ... for his voting record on issues of concern to the group."
Duvall has apologized (unlike one of the other "family value" guys in South Carolina) and he has resigned after, of course, he was stripped of his legislative responsibilities and after an ethics probe was begun.
The moral of this story is that when a Repugnican wearing an American flag in his lapel starts talking about family values, lock away your wife and daughters!
There's more here.
Great family values….I guess his spiritual advisors are proud of him. What a sleaze bag and how happy the voters must be to know he might be just like him after all.
I think they could learn a lot about family values from the Obama family! I would rather kids listened to the Obama’s than such bad people
What amazes me is that these asshats continue to attack others values ... and are too stupid to know when to STFU
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