Joe Wilson, a U.S. Representative from South Carolina, is a prime example of a repugnant and repulsive Repugnican.
As much as I disliked Georgi W. Bush, I would not have approved of any Democrat acting in the manner of Joe Wilson who yelled out "You lie" during President Obama's speech to Congress last evening.
The President was addressing the issue as to how his health care reform package would not cover illegal immigrants. Mr. Wilson, an intemperate man by all accounts, then proceeded to make a fool of himself.
Wilson has been a rightwhitewingnut Repugnican since his election to Congress, touting the usual rightwhitewingnut talking points. So his feelings with regard to a proposal by a Democratic president are to be expected. His so-called "breach of protocol" was not.
The important thing to understand about all of this is not that that Wilson is a hardhead and a fool. I think rather we should understand that Wilson could not control himself because he is racist to the core. We should understand that Wilson, like so many other Repugnicans in Congress and around the country simply cannot accept the idea that a man, half-black, has been elected president, is smarter and more articulate than they can ever hope to be, and who has the gall to suggest that the Congress actually do something to help the citizens of the nation rather than the corporate interests who own Congress, lock, stock and barrel! They literally come unglued at such a notion.
What we heard from Wilson was an echo of what millions of nogoodniks across our fair land were thinking at the time. They will never, ever, accept Barack Obama as president of the United States!
And that's scary! But what's even scarier is that this South Carolina fool has given the racists a blueprint to follow - a blueprint that authorizes them to also disrespect the president of the office of the president.
At the moment, it would appear that this incident may have damaged Wilson's career, an event we would celebrate. There seems to be a strong backlash and a strengthening of his political opposition in South Carolina.
I would guess this is temporary. Although it pains me to say it, racism is rampant across the southland. I think the majority in South Carolina are on the same page as Wilson. Sadly, this outburst may, in the long run, may provide Wilson with the political support he needs to carry on with his nefarious career in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Joe Wilson from South Carolina, is just another good old boy where in the morning these married men preach to you that there should be prayer in our schools and in the evening they are on their cell phones setting up a date with their other women on the side, hypocrisy has been bred in. I am not surprised that he felt compel to yell like he was at some Friday night game. He is a hater not a debater like most of his side of the isle.
Thanks, Paul. You said it very well.
He did apologize for being rude, but has not indicated where he was wrong on his “facts”. Perhaps he cannot read very well, but there is no mention in any pending bill by any committee, advisor, etc that allows any illegal, brown, black, white, yellow, etc to receive funds. The man is simply a dim witted idiot. Someone should follow up on where he thinks he got his facts and send him off to Senatorial Remedial Reading School.
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