Friday, August 7, 2009

Theocrats mired in bullshit in Kissimmee

[Photo from The Onion]

The following derives from Barbara Hijeck's weblog at the Orlando Sentinel.

If'n you've never heard of Kissimmee, Florida, you should know it is located in the heart of Walt Disney's various theme parks and is surrounded by tons of other, much more tawdry, entertainment venues.

Kissimmee, Florida is pretty much one big street filled with goofy castles, motels, mini-golfs, souvenir shops, restaurants of every type, and places to buy tickets to Disney's theme parks, among other things.

It's a smaller, scruffier version of Orlando.

Kissimmee seems to be run by christianist theocrats these days. Ms. Hijeck tells us that the old city logo (Kissimmee used to be known as the "cow capital of Florida") "featured a Brahman bull" along with "palm trees against a lake and setting sun."

Well, horror of horrors, that city logo lacked something very important, crucial even; a lack that was likely to really piss off the "man upstairs" - it made no reference to the deity of the christianist movement!

So, now, christianist city commissioners, like one Art Otero, want to "incorporate the motto 'In God We Trust'" on the city logo!!!

Yup! Now why would he want to do that in this land of the free and of no official religion; a land which includes people of all or no religions; and in a city in which there are probably lots of Chrsitians who disagree with him, Jews, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, and even an atheist or two?

Well, that's easy: Otero wants the city logo changed to include "In God We Trust" because, according to Ms. Hijeck, "he doesn't agree with the direction the country is going under the Obama administration."

Heh. Heh. Unfortunately, this is not funny. Kissimmee citizens have obviously elected at least one brainless moron to the city council. Otero thinks Obama's leading the nation down the wrong path - the path to "homosexuality, gay marriage, abortion and the legalization of marijuana."

It looks like this is a done deal. The city manager is already talking about the process of "carving the phrase into the wooden seal adorning commission chambers." Hell, he's willing to cough up half the cost!

So, I was wrong. Kissimmee has elected several brainless morons to its city council and has a brainless moron for a city manager!

Good god, don't these people read history? Have any of them ever looked at the U.S. Constitution? They should all be impeached for violating their oath of office and the Constitution!

Or maybe they've been walking in bullshit for so long they think their shit don't stink!

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