Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What conservative Repugnicans really think about their country

Conservative Repugnicans in Congress do not give a rat's ass about this country or the people whom they serve!

As we have said many times, it's all about power: how to get it and how to maintain it!

McClatchy describes the shenanigans currently underway in Washington surrounding the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor for the U.S. Supreme Court.

There is no question she will be confirmed. All 12 Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee and one Repugnican (Lindsey Graham) are planning to vote for her. When the nomination goes to the full Senate, it is expected the Democrats will vote for her and the Repugnicans will vote Nay!

So, what's new, you say? Well, the Repugs see the vote of Judge Sotomayor as an opportunity to gain political points! In other words, their vote in the Senate is not based, in any way, shape, or form, on whether she might be a good judge on the Supreme Court, but on whether they can use it to their political advantage!

Ralph Reed, the nogoodnik "activist," wrote a memo stating that "Republicans can reap significant political benefits by voting against her confirmation and making her an issue in key races next year."

Grover Norquist, another nogoodnik, wants Repugs to point out that Sotomayor is anti-gun and is for racial quotas. True or not. It doesn't matter.

The NRA is going to use her as ammo to elect more of it's supporters in the next go-around.

But none of this may work and, indeed, may backfire. Some analysts, such as Merle Black, says "The main issue right now is jobs. I don't know how many Americans are paying attention to the Sotomayor debate."

And so it goes. There's a lot more which you can read at the McClatchy Washington Bureau here.

The point remains: The bulk of Congressional Repugnicans just don't give a damn about the country or the people! They are a collection of right-wing freaks who collectively distort the truth or tell out-right lies and have absolutely nothing to offer on any issue with which this country is confronted!

Finally, they are, for the most part, out-and-out racists!


Bob Poris said...

Most people are not informed or qualified to answer polls meaningfully. They see or hear a headline or a bumper sticker statement and that is all they know. They are then asked by a pollster to make a judgment and rely on the little they heard. I cannot judge if the country is on the right track or not and I am a news junkie, read more than most re current events and have a good education. I think judging the success of Obama’s policies after six months is impossible. Much of the stimulus money is first reaching the targets, more will not be seen for many months.

Businesspeople know you cannot turn a small business around in a few months, yet people expect to see the results of a long time economic melt down, turn around in a few months.

The idiot with the placard might believe what he is carrying around or he might be somewhat retarded. We will never know but he gets attention. I am not even sure what it means, yet alone knowing if it is true or not.

At any rate, it is doubtful if any president will be right all the time. He also must deal with the hand he inherited and the Congress.

Anonymous said...

I will take a step further. Most Polls ask leading questions.

So, How long have you been Beating your Wife?

Also, rarely do they offer fill in the blanks. There are some of us who exist in demographics all our own apparently. It is leaves one no method of answering the polling question truly, but instead choosing the most correct answer which may or may not actually reflect your religion or lackthereof, your political party, etc., and a so on.

Polls for the most part suck. I prefer interviews. I realize they take a lot longer than simply collating answers in a scantron, but there it is.

As for the picture---Well The Big Tent party has become the White Trash Party, so Tastelessness and Ignorance are the SOP.

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