Thursday, July 30, 2009

Coulter and Malkin - Liars, liars, panties on fire!

It would be hard to find two more despicable, hateful, dishonest, morally-challenged women than Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin.

According to Politics Daily these two women invented a story about Lynn Sweet and Barack Obama. Lynn Sweet was the one who, at Obama's July 22 press conference, asked the president what he thought about the arrest of Harvard professor, Henry Louis Gates, Jr.

President Obama then made the "famous" comment which has caused something of a stir, particularly among the more rabid racist element in our country - which includes most of the Repugnican Party.

Coulter, on FAUX News, said that Obama "planted" that question and that she could prove it! Michelle Malkin, on NBC's "Today Show," said "Absolutely do," when Matt Lauer asked if she thought the question had been "planned."

Lynn Sweet, who asked the question, said both Coulter and Malkin are wrong. She was being nice. She should have and could have rightly said, they are full of the usual bullshit they spread over the country's airwaves.

Sweet said the White House did not plant the question, nor did they know the question ahead of time.

Sweet also said, coherently, unlike either Coulter or Malkin, that the story of Gates' arrest had been plastered all over the media and it would only make sense that Obama would expect someone to raise the issue at his press conference.

Sweet noted "The idea that the Obama media machine would try to plant that question -- or any question -- with me is nutty. ... By the time Coulter and Malkin spoke with such certainty, I had already said that Obama did not have a clue about what I would be asking."

Hmmm. Well, that wouldn't matter to either Coulter or Malkin, for both are amoral, without integrity and disinterested in truth.

What I find interesting is that their suspicions reflect exactly what we had come to expect from the Bush White House. Rare and controlled press conferences where no "real" questions were allowed because Bush would not know how to answer a "real" question and would look as stupid as he really is if he tried, were the rule with Bush and Company.

So, when Coulter and Malkin make such assertions, they are telling us that's what they would have done; they are giving us another glimpse into the darkness of their souls!


Bob Poris said...

Is it possible to ever get the media to get back to reporting and exposing falsehoods? If we don’t find a way, we are doomed to propaganda instead of news.

Distributorcap said...

worse - the media allowing coulter and malkin to spew the lies at all

i watch lauer interview malkin - it was pathetic. he sat back and did nothing

Lowell said...

Hi DC - It is so discouraging! Our MSM people seem to think it is their job simply to parrot the nonsense that any asshole decides to spew ... there is no question, in my mind, the reason Bush and company were able to do so many nasty deeds was the MSM simply failed in every respect to do their job. Hell, they don't even seem to understand what their job is.

Part of that, of course, is that almost all the media outlets are owned by huge corporations who are "conservative" at base and amoral at best.

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