Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Amsterdam and Bill O'Reilly and FAUX News

By now, everyone should be well aware of the fact that Bill O'Reilly and FAUX News make up stories. They make them up and what's worse they broadcast their lies to the unsuspecting and naive folks in America who want so hard to believe that the United States is the best country in the world in every way.

Evidence never is a problem for Bill or FAUX News as they simply ignore it. Thus, when Bill and FAUX News made up stuff about Amsterdam they offered no evidence to back their claims. But they solemnly pronounced their made-up stuff as true. They shook their heads, went "Tsk, tsk, tsk."

But it was all a lie.

Here's the truth.

With thanks to PZ Myers at Pharyngula.

1 comment:

Bob Poris said...

It is sad when a News program is a propaganda source and ignores facts. The people listening do not believe alternative sources, apparently.

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