Thursday, December 18, 2008

The war on Xmas ain't over yet!

[Photo from The No Sin Zone]

You may not have heard of the Pacific Justice Institute. Bill O'Reilly has, and he endorses it! Which ought to tell you what kind of an outfit it is. More or less. The PJI claims to be interested in justice for people who find themselves in the clutches of evil liberals or commies or lefties or judges that rewrite the Constitution.

They are about protecting Home Schooling. They want to protect the rights of Christian union members so said members don't have to pay dues.

That kinda stuff.

Would you believe they have been getting lots of complaints about pagans trying to censor good Christians from celebrating Xmas in their usual way? These censorship reports, according to an article by wingnut, Charlie Butts, at onenewsnow, have "been coming in from government, schools, and businesses."


Here's an example: At one school some kiddos chose songs for an Xmas program. But, poor things, "they were told they could not sing any songs that mentioned Christmas or Christ or anything with the actual origins of Christmas."

Whew! The "actual origins of Christmas" are pretty murky and cluttered up with a lot of pagan stuff. Wouldn't want the kiddos to know about that!

Oh, wait. They're talking about the mythical birth of Jesus.

I don't believe they were told they couldn't sing a song that mentioned Christmas. All kinds of non-religious Xmas songs mention Xmas; most of them have the word in their title. No biggie. Somebody's lying.

Not to worry. The Pacific Justice Institute, working 24/7 for God, is "acting quickly on the complaints to 'remedy potential First Amendment violations.'"

Now, I'll bet you sleep better tonight.

If you really have to know more about PJI, click here.

Otherwise, have a Vodka martini, shaken, not stirred. Have two. Put a log on the fire, think of the "good old days," and sing, in as maudlin a voice as possible, "I'll Be Home for Christmas."

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