Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Star Parker, the RNC and Republican losers

Star Parker, columnist and pundit for the christianist operation, OneNewsNow, writes that the Republican National Committee needs a leader who, in the wake of Republican defeat, can shake up the troops and get the party back on track, "someone to transform a loser into a winner."

Being a christianist, Parker is most concerned, of course about "traditional values," and/or "a traditional family life."

So, back to the drawing board. But, not really. The RNC must get involved in "positive marketing of its platform of traditional values, limited government, free enterprise, and strong national defense."


Oh, and the RNC must reach out to blacks and Latinos. Why, a Republican "unseated William Jefferson, a Democratic Congressional black caucus member for almost 20 years." So, it can be done! What she didn't mention was that Jefferson was so tainted with corruption that Mickey Mouse could have beat him. His defeat had nothing to do with Republican values!

Being as obtuse as a stone, she insists that the Repugnicans have to tell Americans "how more freedom and less government will deliver better education, healthcare, jobs, and security. And why the preservation of the integrity of traditional family life provides a critical foundation for our country."

Well, been there, done that. Didn't work. In a recession, heading down. Republicans in control of Congress for years, and in control of the White House the last eight years, have damn near destroyed our country with their "more freedom and less government." We don't have better education, it's worse. We don't have better healthcare, we have much worse healthcare. We have fewer jobs with millions disappearing by the hour! Security? Hell, we're much less secure than we were before 9/11 because of Republican military adventures in the Middle East.

And when she speaks "of the integrity of traditional family life," that's code for no same-sex marriage. Well, it isn't the gays who are destroying "traditional family life." Over 50% of all marriages (between one man and one woman!) end in divorce, and the greatest number of divorces occur among the Republican base -- fundamentalist Christians!

Maybe Ms. Parker could get a job at Faux News. They never worry about facts, truth, honesty, or common sense.

The full article is here.

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