Sunday, December 14, 2008

G. W. Bush - the worst of the worst

Distributorcap NY has posted a very informative article on the worst presidents ever.

In his opinion, the bottom six, in alphabetical order are:

James Buchanan
George W. Bush
Warren G. Harding
Herbert Hoover
Richard Nixon
Franklin Pierce.

Other, "really, really terrible presidents" include:

Calvin Coolidge
Millard Fillmore
Ulysses S. Grant
Andrew Jackson
James K. Polk

In a special "conundrum" category is Ronald Reagan. I'd suggest Reagan be slotted in a special "Alzheimic incompetence" category.

Guess who gets the booby prize?

DC goes into detail as to the failings of the bottom feeders, which is not only interesting but historically significant. It also provides an historical context into which we can better fit the monstrous joke currently occupying the White House.

Read the entire article, titled "Race for the Bottom," here.

1 comment:

Distributorcap said...

you are the best -- thanks so much for the compliment and honor!

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