For example:
McCain "said that ending a moratorium on offshore oil drilling 'would be very helpful in the short term in resolving our energy crisis.' But according to a government report, offshore oil wouldn't have much of an impact on supply or prices until 2030."
"McCain tried to paint Obama as an opponent of nuclear power, yet Obama has said he is open to nuclear energy being part of the solution and has supported bills that contained nuclear subsidies."
McCain 'has soft-pedaled the 'cap' portion of his cap-and-trade proposal for greenhouse gases, even denying that it would be a mandate. The cap is a mandatory limit, however, and McCain even says so on his Web site."
"McCain's new ad, running this week, rightly says that he bucked his party in supporting action on climate change years ago. But its images of windmills and solar panels are misleading in that he supports subsidies for nuclear power, which isn't pictured, and opposes them for wind and solar energy."
"McCain continues to say that a suspension of the federal gas tax will lower prices for consumers, though hundreds of economists say he is wrong."
You can read the entire article here which gives substantial detail on McCain's confusing and ever-changing statements, as well as detailed source information.
1 comment:
I suspect that Obama will show the flip flops. This time the Democrats have the money and can hire the best people. Too bad there will not be an honest debate on issues. McCain has taken all sides of many issues, how does Obama know which ones to debate? We, the e,ctorate desetve better but we will not it unlesss we are given more information.
Bob Poris
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