The Tallahasee poohbahs, being mainly Republican, are also flip-flopping on the matter of drilling for oil off of Florida's coasts. For years, even the Republicans have fought this desecration of our coast, citing the certainty of black gobs of tar washing up on Florida's pristine beaches. Now, these same Repugnicans are saying it's no problem - my god, you can't even see the oil rigs 14 miles off shore.
They have no shame!
The word today is that those in charge of things at the University of Florida in Gainesville are considering a flat tuition rate. Every student, the ones carrying a full load, or the ones taking just a few classes, will be charged the same tuition!
The reason for this descent into insanity is described in the usual bureaucratic double-speak as "budget constraints."
The president of UF, Bernie Machen, had the gall to claim that flat tuition would "entice students to take more classes per semester." Oh, stop laughing. He's the prezident of the University. Would he mislead the people?
He also said, "We need to look at other ways to get the resources and that's why the flat tuition model is worthy of consideration."
Horse hockey! He might just as well say raising the tuition to $100,000 a year "is worthy of consideration." Or, better yet, cutting back the sports programs would be "worthy of consideration." Or, the one I like, slashing the salaries of the president and all the coaches is "worthy of consideration."
Why is it always that when bureaucrats are involved the poor get screwed and the rich and powerful get richer and more powerful?
Flat tuition will not, entice students to take more classes. My god, there are thousands of students out there in the academic wasteland who are slaving away at one of two jobs so they can afford one or two classes! What about the young woman who works 50 hours a week at the local burger joint for minimum wage which leaves her just enough money to pay the rent and take one course?
Many years ago, as a young man, I worked full-time and took a few courses in the evening in order to complete my last two years of undergraduate work. It took me four years, but I did it! I would never have been able to do it if I'd had to pay tuition for a full load.
Guess who proposed a flat tuition four years ago? Jeb Bush! The governor who descended to Florida from Connecticut with an ex-president for daddy and more money in the bank than most of us would see in ten lifetimes!
There isn't any question that the University, like just about every other public entity is struggling to make up for deficits caused by the economic downturn and the goofy policies instigated by the Republicans in Tallahassee. One of the first things that happened when Jeb took office was the elimination of a tax on the richest people who live in Florida.
And I don't have any answers, except the suggestions above. But please, please, stop screwing the students and especially the poorest and most needy students. Must Republicans always balance the budget on the backs of the least among us?
1 comment:
I will not comment on stopping screwing the students, as that was my goal when I was a student.
The voters of Florida seemed to want to remove tax money from the State. They voted to increase the Homestead exemption and grant it to non residents too. Where did they think the money to run the state was going to come from? We have bad businessmen or thieves or both making laws along with an electorate that cannot think things out. The Bush family has not been good for the majority of people for three generations now. When do we begin to learn?
Our kids are already undereducated so it will not change much, I am afraid. The goal should be to get every qualified kid in to College. That would be good for all concerned. Next would be to find a way to help those not qualified to go to college find careers suitable to what they can do successfully. Obviously the country needs all sorts of workers and not all should go to college. I wish the Bushes would go back to their oil businesses and stay out of politics. They have not been helpful.
Bob Poris
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