Evidence is evidence is evidence.
Not to Bush and gang.
For years, Bush and his gangsters have relied on certain "evidence" to justify their treatment and disposition of the Guantanamo detainees. "Military review boards relied on it to justify holding hundreds of prisoners indefinitely without charge. Justice Department attorneys said it was thoroughly and fairly reviewed."
They now claim they need to "rewrite" their evidence against the folks in Guantanamo.
When the Supremes determined that the detainees do indeed have the right to challenge their imprisonment in a civilian court and not only in front of military tribunals, the Bush gangsters figured they might need to "fix" the evidence so as to cover their nasty little unconstitutional tracks!
The government gangster lawyers claim (with straight faces!) that all they want to do is rewrite the evidence so that it is more "factual." So the evidence wasn't "factual" all this time, even when the government gangsters were saying it was "thoroughly and fairly reviewed"?
The evidence the Bushites are concerned with consists of "the government's accusations and summaries of the evidence that was presented to the military review panel. The records were filed in federal court in many detainee cases in 2004 and 2005, before Congress stripped those courts of the authority to hold hearings."
It is very likely that the bulk of this evidence provided by the Bush gangsters is tainted. Attorneys for the detainees, after looking it over, said that much of it was "hearsay cobbled together from bounty hunters and border guards who accused people of being terrorists in exchange for reward money."
Once again, we get a bit of a taste at how deep and how pervasive corruption runs through the Bush presidency.
Once again, we shudder to think how easy it would be for one of Bush's gangsters to "legally" make any one of us disappear into a black hole for years with phony, manufactured "evidence," presented to a military tribunal. All they need is a neighbor who says you're a "terrorist" because you won't cut a tree limb hanging over his yard. Goodbye!
The reason the Bush gangsters want to rewrite the evidence is that they might be in trouble with the law. They have held people for years with "evidence" created out of thin air or by paid liars. The Bush gangsters are now forced to provide "evidence" before civilian judges to justify locking these people up behind the Guantanamo barbed wire.
The Bush gangsters thought they could get by without obeying the Constitutional mandates but the Supreme Court finally called them on their illegal actions. They also thought they could lock people up with jerry-rigged evidence "reviewed" only by their friends and cronies. It now turns out the world is going to get a look at that "evidence."
It's no wonder Bush and his gang want to rewrite the rules so they can rewrite the evidence so they can stay out of jail where they belong.
There's more here.
1 comment:
...and they will probably get away with it. who will prosecute them?
Bob Poris
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