Friday, June 6, 2008

South Carolina: a Jesus Christ state

They tried to get a "Christian" license plate in Florida and failed. But, like lousy relatives, they'll be back to try again. "They" are right-wing Christian loony-tunes who think God can't handle things by herself so they've got to offend as many people as they can by forcing fundamentalist religion down their throats.

They tried in South Carolina and won! South Carolina voted for Jesus Christ! South Carolina, the first state to secede from the Union, the state to fire the first shot of the Civil War, the state that loves to fly Confederate flags from its flagpoles, the state that wants the Ten Commandments posted in public places, now has a Christian license plate, which features a cross. Just another link in a long chain of historical actions of which to be ashamed.

Maybe most everyone in South Carolina is a fundamentalist Christian, but I don't think so. There are many good people in the state who don't feel this overwhelming need to make asses of themselves and they go to church, too! Some of them are Lutherans. Some are Roman Catholics. Some are Methodists and Presbyterians. I don't know, but there may even be some Baptists in the bunch.

I would guess there are other people in South Carolina who follow other religions, confident of their truth and efficacy. There are doubtless Jews, and Muslims, and Buddhists, and Hindus and members of Wicca and probably a few of those goofy Scientologists. It is also likely that there are people in South Carolina who profess no religion; who are agnostics or atheists.

All of the above are now considered second-class citizens. Only fundy Christians get to have a cross-incrusted license plate to let all the other drivers out there know that they have the true belief in Jesus Christ and everyone else traveling the wide roads of other religions along the wide roads of South Carolina are on the wide road to perdition.

The sovereign State of South Carolina has now officially established fundamentalist Christianity as the religion of the state.

Surely the courts will shoot down this brazen act of monumental stupidity!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't count on some law suit stopping good Christians. They know what is good and right. That's why there are so few in prisons or drug programs, or alcoholic programs, etc. A firm belief in Jesus is all that is needed. Look how well Spain did after the Inquisition, when all non believers in Roman Catholicsim were driven out.
Bob Poris

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