Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Republican Party in Action

It's come to this: we no longer can believe anything we are told by the Republican Party. The Republican Party speaks out of both sides of its mouth. The Republican Party cannot be trusted to serve the people. The Republican Party uses the government to enrich itself and its patrons. The Republican Party is a black hole with neither integrity nor a moral core.

I borrowed the following from a Daily Kos post of about two months ago. It is a series of 10 quotations by people who pretend to speak from a position of righteousness and morality.

1. "[Capital punishment is] our society's recognition of the sanctity of human life." (Senator Orrin Hatch)

2. "President Washington, President Lincoln, President Wilson, President Roosevelt have all authorized electronic surveillance on a far broader scale." (Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales)

3. "It does not affect your daily life very much if your neighbor marries a box turtle. But that does not mean it is right ... [N]ow you must raise your children up in a world where that union of man and box turtle is on the same legal footing as man and wife." (Senator John Cornyn)

4. "You know that old Beach Boys song, Bomb Iran? Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran...Ha Ha Ha Ha! Hee Hee Hee! Ho Ho Ho Ho!!!" (Senator John McCain)

5. "We just want the Jews to be perfected." (Ann Coulter)

6. "I couldn't get over the fact that there was no difference between Sylvia's restaurant and any other restaurant in New York City. I mean, it was exactly the same, even though it's run by blacks, primarily black patronship. ... There wasn't one person in Sylvia's who was screaming, 'M-Fer, I want more iced tea.'" (Bill O'Reilly)

7. "And so, General (Odierno), I want to thank you for your service. And I appreciate the fact that you really snatched defeat out of the jaws of those who are trying to defeat us in Iraq." (President George W. Bush, March 2008)

8. "I believe that the Bible teaches that when you violate the law of God, that God brings punishment sometimes before the Day of Judgment, and I believe that the Hurricane Katrina was, in fact, the judgment of God against the city of New Orleans. (John Hagee)

9. "Let me begin by thanking your founder, Pastor John Hagee. I would describe Pastor Hagee with the words the Torah uses to describe Moses, he is an 'Eesh Elohim,' a man of God because those words fit him." (Senator Joseph Lieberman)

10. "The insurgency is in its last throes, if you will." (Vice President Dick Cheney)

All of the above, with one exception, were spoken by members of the Republican Party, the "family values" party, the party of the people, the "conservative" party. Senator Joseph Lieberman is the exception, having assumed the mantle of an "independent." In truth, however, he has become a de facto Republican.


Anonymous said...

You ain't seen nothing yet! Wait for more exciting words from the real intellectuals of the party during the election campaign.
Bob Poris

Anonymous said...

"Contextual Criticism???!!!" Hardly! If you take a comment ouf of context to criticize it, it's not contextual criticism.

Lowell said...

To second "anonymous." Ha, ha. Out of context? I don't think so. The Repugnican Party is already out of context! It's run by the biggest bunch of fascist racists since WWII!

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