Friday, June 6, 2008

Buzzflash's GOP Hypocrite of the Week names a "GOP Hypocrite of the Week," usually on a weekly basis, which is quite reasonable. There are, however, "so many Republican hypocrites," and "so little time."

This week's GOP Hypocrite of the Week award goes to a man who's won it over and over again, George W. Bush. In fact, if it weren't for the fact that there are so many other GOP hypocrites riding the political trail, G.W. would likely be given the award in perpetuity.

The reason for bestowing this "honor" on good ol' Georgie derives from a commencement speech da Bush gave at Furman University. Said speech is chronicled by Scott Lehigh of the Boston Globe.

Da Bush, riding on the pony of personal responsibility told those who were commencing, "You have responsibilities to your fellow citizens, your country, your family, and yourself." He also said, "A culture of responsibility means being accountable to your families and to yourself."

Uh huh. Like hisself. Responsible. To the country. To the people. Right.

The da Bush unwittingly (how else would da Bush do it?) played standup comic. He warned the graduates not to amass too much debt. He really did. This is true. I'm not lying. He said, "You can strengthen our country by showing fiscal discipline in your lives. It may sound funny coming from a visitor from Washington, D.C., but it's important to your futures and the future of our country."

Do not, said da Bush, "dig a financial hole that you can't out of. Live within your means."

Holy crap! or as Mr. Lehigh said, this little sermon by da Bush "was so mind boggingly dishonest coming from someone who has violated his most basic responsibilities to the American people over and over again.

"Bush lecturing young adults on responsibility is like the happy hooker promoting abstinence to teens."

Why are all those people around the world laughing at us?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have a stand up comic making speeches all the time. He is an excellent example of a good citizen. He was a boozer and druggie until he was in his forties, when he discoverd religon. Daddy bailed him out of any trouble; schools gave him degrees, the Air Force didn't require him to show up and he led a charmed life. If everyone followed his lead, just think what a great country we could have.
Bob Poris

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