Thursday, April 17, 2008

Where Goes Your Tax Money and Where Goes God?

This is from the National Priorities Project.

If you can't sleep at night because you're wondering how the government is spending the hard-earned money you donate in taxes, this should either blow your mind or set your mind at rest. If you find it sets your mind at rest, run, do not walk, to your nearest psychiatrist!

Out of every federal income tax dollar:

Military spending - 42.2 cents
Health - 22.1 cents
Interest (non-military debt) - 10.2 cents
Anti-Poverty Programs - 8.7 cents
Education Training and Social Services - 4.4 cents
Government and Law Enforcement - 3.9 cents
Housing and Community Development - 3.3 cents
Environment Energy & Science - 2.6 cents
Agriculture Commerce and Transportation - 1.5 cents
International Affairs - 1 cent

Or, you can look at it this way. In 2007, median income families in the U.S. paid $2,628 in federal income taxes. Here's how that money was spent by your government:

Military - $1,109
Health - $581
Interest on Non-military Debt - $269
Anti-Poverty Programs - $228
Education, Training & Social Services - $115
Government & Law Enforcement - $102
Housing & Community Development - $88
Environment, Energy & Science - $69
Transportation, Commerce & Agriculture - $40
International Affairs - $27

Don't you wonder why a country described by our president as "a nation of prayer and compassion ... a nation that believes in religious liberty and welcomes the role of faith in the public square ... a nation that is not only 'innovative, creative and dynamic,' but also one of the most religious on earth" spends almost 50 percent of its money on the military?

Obviously, believing in religious liberty, blabbing about our faith in the public square and being really religious isn't sufficient. There either isn't any god or she doesn't much care what happens to the U.S.

Those are the only reasons I can think of why we have to spend almost 50 percent of our money on the military.


Anonymous said...

But if we don't fight them there we will fight them here. I am not sure or either "them" are or who "we" are. So far very few of our leaders have any family in the military and never served, so who will fight "them" here. Cheney has other priorities and Bush. refused lawful orders to take a physical and was AWOL a good deal of the time during his "service".
Who will do all this fighting. I am too old and did my time during WW2. They do not want me, so I can be a war monger if I wish to be one.
Bob Poris

Anonymous said...

Like I said before, we are in deep doo doo. It is now up to a new generation to solve the world's problems and fight any new wars. They had better look into a draft with NO exceptions except total inability to do anything productive. We face people willing and eager to die for what they believe in. We are not even willing to spend our own money for what we say we believe in.
Bob Poris

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