Three really stupid people have been in the news the past several days.
The first is a New York cabbie.
Maybe it was all the super-religiosity surrounding the pious presence of Pope Benedict XVI in New York City, but some superstitious Catholics think they see the face of Jesus Christ on a ceiling tile above a hospital bed at St. John's Queens Hospital.
Junior Rodriguez, a cab driver, was laying in that hospital bed in room 232 when he looked up at a stain on the ceiling and saw what he thinks was the Christian savior. "There was Jesus, looking down on me," he exclaimed. The face of Jesus was right there in that stain.
Some members of the hospital staff think Junior is right, and they now call room 232 the "Jesus room."
(I'd recommend that if you live in the New York City area and have to go to the hospital, find a hospital other that St. John's Queens Hospital. I mean, do you really want to be cared for by people who see Jesus' face in a stain on a ceiling tile?)
The most amazing thing, however, is that no one in the world has a freaking clue as to what this Jesus (assuming there really was such a person) looked like. His visage has never been recorded in writing by anyone, ever! His face is blank, in other words.
Just as blank as the minds of people who see his face in ceiling tiles, clouds, toasted cheese sandwiches, or on the shadowy wall of a building!
The second really stupid person is a Roman Catholic priest, the Rev. Adelir Antonio de Carli. He has a thing about flying through the air tied to nothing but a bunch of balloons.
Last Sunday he strapped on 1,000 helium-filled balloons and took off, trying to break a 19-hour record and raise money for a spiritual rest stop for truckers in southern Brazil. He has not been heard from, or seen, since. The balloons have been found. The priest is considered missing at sea.
Father di Carli has done lots of dangerous things, like mountain-climbing and running around trying to survive in the jungle, but this was not one of his smarter moves.
The good reverend may be a nice guy and he may be strong and he may be brave, but that doesn't make him smart!
Hopefully, he will be found alive.
But there must be better ways to get high!
The third stupid person is a bungee jumper. I do not know his religion. Not that it matters, because stupid people come in all religious flavors.
This guy jumped from a 165 foot tower at the Paradise Bungy Location, in Acapulco, Mexico. At the bottom of his jump was a large tank of water.
He climbed to the top of the tower, and when all bungied up, he jumped. The bungee cord broke. He kept going into the tank.
He survived and when assisted out of the tank, seemed to be in good condition.
I will never do a bungee jump. I'm not stupid and I know the tank of water will disappear right when the cord breaks!
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