In Florida the Religious Right line goes like this: Everyone deserves a quality education and the state owes everyone a quality education, so when a public school is failing to provide a quality education, instead of fixing the public school, we need to take kids out of that failing school, give them our tax dollars and send them to a nice, private (religious) school where they can learn important things like how the liberals lie and this is really and truly a Christian nation, thank god, and where they are less likely to be subjected to homosexual hype, abortionists and evolutionist theory.
The trouble is, some private (religious) schools may pose an even greater problem than a failing public school. For example, in Houston, there is a private (religious) school called Parkway Christian School. The founder and administrator of this particular private (religious) school is the pathetic, perverted LaVern Jordan.
Mr. Jordan thinks he can barter grades and diplomas in exchange for a bit of hanky-panky. He would deny that, probably, except that the Houston TV station, KTRK caught him on tape trying to arrange to play footsie with the mother of one of his students. The mother, like all good mothers, wanted the best for her daughter and at the moment the best was a high school diploma.
In the middle of the day, at the back of a motel parking lot on 1960, Jordan says no problem, just jump in the sack with him, and he offered to waive the $300 school enrollment fee if the mother would have sex with him on several occasions in the future. The taped conversation is quite graphic, like a R-rated movie.
This is distasteful, but one cannot help wonder how many other mothers were offered waivers in exchange for sexual intercourse with LaVern Jordan.
If you live in Houston and you're thinking of placing your child or children in a private (religious) school, you will definitely want to avoid Parkway Christian School so long as Mr. Jordan is the administrator. Unless, of course you're willing to play for pay.
Get the view from KTRK here.
As long as it was a religious school, I guess it was ok. Private schools of any kind should not be financed by public money! Private is not public. If people want to send their kids to a religious school they have that choice but they should pay for the school, the land, the buildings, the teachers the supplies etc.
Government has the obligation to school citizens. If you don’t like the school, create your own and find a way to finance it with like minded people or use the public schools.
Bob Poris
Christian schools are best for troubled students because these schools give the successful treatment of the addiction and behavioral problems by the help of Christian counseling and successful therapies.
Private school - it is possible that Christian schools have some redeeming features, but I attended two of them and would have a hard time agreeing that they are "best for troubled students."
And what, exactly, is "Christian counseling?"
Thanks for writing.
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