Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Florida Teachers, Creationism, and Ben Stein

We've mentioned before the idiotic piece of legislation proposed by Ronda Storms, a Republic state senator called the "Academic Freedom" bill, which would "protect" Florida science teachers who would rather teach creationism than evolution.

This is just another attempt by the Christian rightists to evade the law. Florida science teachers are to teach the "theory" of Evolution. This bill would protect teachers who don't want to do that, but would rather teach creationism or intelligent design, or creation by the Great Spaghetti Monster.

So, what's the point? Creationism or intelligent design or creation by the Great Spaghetti Monster might be terrific theological concepts and anyone can believe any of this stuff if they so desire. It is not science, however, it is religion. We don't teach religion in science classes. Go to church if you want to get religion!

And it doesn't make any difference what Ben Stein believes. Ben Stein, the great scientist ... oops, no, he's a TV guy - an actor and game-show host - has, with funding from the ultra right, put together a "documentary" called "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed." This so-called "documentary" tries to make the case that academics who want to write about and teach intelligent design are muzzled and thus suffering from a lack of academic freedom.

Stein simply doesn't know what he's talking about and boringly reiterates all the creationist nonsense. He really goes nuts, though, when he tries to argue that Darwinism leads to euthanasia, abortion, eugenics and Nazism. Sure it does. Don't you remember Hitler ranting over and over again how Evolution is the foundation of the Third Reich?

I've got an idea: If you're a science teacher and don't want to teach evolution, go to seminary and become a preacher; but whatever you do, get the hell out of the public schools and go to a private (religious) school where you can teach theology in science class and pretend that it's really science.

Please, leave our young people alone with your non-intelligent design and creationist junk. They've got enough problems trying to get along in the world without knowing nothing of the fundamental base for all scientific areas of study.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are being mean to other or alternative theories. Ron Hubbard wrote and many Scientologists believe him, that a group of Thetans came to Earth in a Space ship, for a holiday and got stuck here. They started this planet and one can join them, thru Scientology and become a Thetan. All it takes is dedication and money. His theory is even better than Intelligent Design as it starts with a very advanced civilization somewhere out in the wild blue yonder. Of course, ID might have started Hubbard’s world too. It is also possible that ID told Darwin how the species developed after the first cell was put here by you know who.
Bob Poris

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