Saturday, March 22, 2008

Sam Harris, Barack Obama & Religion

Sam Harris, erstwhile non-believer, in a recent essay praised Barack Obama for his very spiffy speech. Harris used words like "truly brilliant," and "inspiring." I agree.

The point of this brief essay by Mr. Harris, however, was to note that the mess Obama finds himself in relative to the Rev. Wright "has as much to do with religion as racism--and, indeed, religion is the reason why our political discourse in this country is so scandalously stupid."

A question many are asking: Why didn't Obama get out of Wright's church?

Well, he couldn't, says Sam. Someone might question his faith in Jesus. Suspicions could arise, such as: "Might the Senator from Illinois be unsure whether the Creator of the universe brought forth his only Son from the womb of a Galilean virgin, taught him the carpenter's trade, and then had him crucified for our benefit?

"Few suspicions could be more damaging in American politics today."

Harris has more to say, referring in particular to Christianity's role in enabling slavery in this country, as well as uniting Whites after Reconstruction "in their racist hatred and the black community in its squalor..."

You can read the entire article here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obama did not address the issue of giving an award to Farrakhan, a known racist, anti Semite, hater of whites, lover of Libya, etc. He could have left that church and kept his love of Jesus. Jesus never said a church was the only place to find Him. I think Jesus might have something to say to Farrakhan and Rev Wright about hate. It is said; Jesus lived and died a pious Jew, so His sayings would apply to His relatives too. Oh well, since I speak only English, and all the Old and New Testament were not written in English, I have some problems. I do not speak or read Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, Latin or Spanish either.(I add that just so you all know where I am coming from.
Bob Poris

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