Sunday, March 16, 2008

Blessed Virgin Blindness

The Virgin Mary gets credit for lots of miraculous goings-on. Personally, I don't think she deserves any of it, as I've never seen a shred of evidence that 1) the VM existed, or 2) if she did exist, she was a virgin, or 3) if she did exist and was a virgin that she cured or helped anyone in anyway.

In fact, as this story shows, the VM can become a liability.

Seems that a rumor got started down in India, in the Kottayam area, that there was a miraculous image in the sky. The rumor started at the house of a hotelier in Erumli, close to where this divine image was said to have been seen.

The hotelier also claimed that VM statues in the house had been "crying honey and bleeding oils and perfumes."

The liability part of this story comes from the fact that a whole bunch of really stupid, gullible people went out and stared into the sun in the sky, looking for the Blessed Virgin. Almost 50 folks have had to be treated for sight-loss caused by photochemical burns on the retina.

When doctors and health officers told church leaders about this, the church leaders "disowned" the miracle.

Sadly, more stupid, gullible people continue to flock to the hotelier's house to stare up into the sky hoping to see an image of the VM.

They will end up not being able to see at all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps if the Church would publish a picture of the Virgin Mary we could identify the real ones that keep showing up in so many places. She was a teen aged Jewish girl. Look at pictures of teen aged Jewish girls all around the world and see if she looks like them. That seems simple to me.
Bob Poris

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