Thursday, March 20, 2008

Bush and Iraq - He Still Doesn't Get It!

Yesterday, on the fifth anniversary of the disaster in Iraq, Bush said he doesn't want to "jeopardize the hard-fought gains" of 2007.

What planet is this guy living on?

It appears he believes that if he says something outrageous enough, often enough, more than enough people will believe him. Thus, this to a group of military honchos, plain soldiers and diplomats: "The battle in Iraq is noble, it is necessary, and it is just. And with your courage, the battle in Iraq will end in victory."

There's more along those lines: "Iraq has become the place where Arabs joined with Americans to drive al Qaida out."

What a horrendous twist on the truth! Bush conveniently doesn't mention that al Qaida had no presence in Iraq before his so-called war!

Bush basks in "undeniable successes." He rejoices in how we have "come so far and achieved so much."

All of which is total bullshit, of course!

Finally, this worst prezident ever, said that "War critics can no longer credibly argue that we are losing in Iraq, so now they argue the war costs too much."

No, Mr. Bush, they're not arguing. They're laying out, for everyone to see, the cold, hard facts. And while you may think that borrowing $3 trillion to invade and occupy a harmless country is nothing, we're no longer buying the snake oil you're selling, and we're mad as hell that you've sold this country down the river of imperialism, militarism, greed and stupidity.

The party's over, Mr. Prezident. No one believes you anymore.


Anonymous said...

Too bad..but lots of peopple still think Iraq bombed the Towers and Al Queda was firmly entrenched in Iraq. It is hard to believe but people do not follow the news nor do they remember the how and whys. There is something basically wrong with our electorate's knowledge. That is crucial for a democracy and we are missing it.
Bob Poris

Anonymous said...

Short of impeachment, which will not happen, is there any way to stop this man from doing whatever he feels like doing?
Can he start another war?
Bob Poris

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