Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sen. John Ensign - One more Republican exorcist

The following paragraph comes from Talk2Action:

Beyond the obvious hypocrisy inherent in GOP Senator and Promise Keepers member John Ensign's recently disclosed extramarital sexual affair, there's another notable aspect to Ensign's religious affiliations that has so far escaped public notice: exorcism. Senator John Ensign belongs to a Pentecostal denomination, the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel, that promotes a new health care paradigm in which both physical and psychological maladies can be cured through the casting out of demons. In the new approach, individuals can even heal themselves by exorcising their own demons, through a process that a 2003 Associated Press story characterized as "do it yourself exorcism".

Yup! Bobby Jindal, Republican wingnut governor of Louisiana, does exorcisms within the confines of Roman Catholic theology, which is bad enough, but now we've got another Republican asshat, John Ensign, Senator from Nevada, most noted lately for his deviation from his marital vows (oh, also lying about that deviation - impeach! impeach!), who is into exorcisms, but this whack job believes in the "go it alone" approach.

You can read all about it here, in an excellent article by Bruce Wilson.

This is truly depressing stuff. Too many of our leaders are not only hypocrites but are religious freaks. They believe all kinds of moronic idiocies spouted by biblically and morally illiterate preachers that wouldn't make sense to a two-year old. And they are making decisions vital for the well-being of our country!!!

While there is no religious test for political office in this country, perhaps we could have a reality check and ask the question:

Do you believe that you and other people are controlled by demons which cause physical and psychological illness and which can be exorcised by reciting a bunch of religious mumbo-jumbo with your hand on a book containing ancient scribblings by ignorant middle Eastern tribesmen?

Finally, to put all of this into an even better perspective: John Ensign voted to impeach President Bill Clinton for lying about a sexual encounter. (So did Mark Sanford!)

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