Gloom, as a blanket of wet fog, descended upon the stadium. Silence ruled. The hero of Gainesville and football fans everywhere was down. On the grass. On his back. Other players hovered. Trainers and medical types rushed to his side.
In the stands, grown men wept. Pubescent young girls with "breasts like two fawns, Twins of a gazelle" [The Song of Songs, 4:5] sobbed and hugged each other crushing their surgically-enhanced chests.
Did I say "gloom"? People looked at each other and shook their heads. How could this be? Tim Tebow, the greatest college quarterback of all time, injured and unmoving on the turf. Wasn't this the youthful titan who could do all things through his Christ who gave him strength? Wasn't this the fine, upstanding, virginal specimen of home-schooled christianist religion? Wasn't this the gracious missionary who gave of his spare time in order to go tell little pagan boys and girls they were going to burn forever in hell if they didn't accept Tebow's Jesus into their hearts?
"Why?" people cried.
"Where was god?" they asked their heart of hearts.
Well, Tim is back. Not at 100% yet, but he's back practicing with the team. There's a chance he may be at the helm tomorrow against LSU. Maybe. The coach will make that determination at game time. The backup quarterback is ready. All systems are go.
Thank goodness.
Except...well...Maybe Tim should stop writing that Bible verse on his cheek. One can never know about such things but perhaps god got pissed. It should be clear to everyone by now that Tim Tebow's god doesn't really care about him. Tim Tebow's god let him undergo a vicious hit resulting in Tim getting knocked on his ass with a bad concussion (there are no good concussions!).
Why would Tim Tebow's god do that?
There's only one answer: She just doesn't care. Tim was taught early on that his god is omnipotent; his god can do anything; his god is all-powerful. Of course, it may be hard to get her attention. One has to pray a lot. Without ceasing. Maybe she's deaf?
Whatever, Tim's god left him stranded when he needed her protection the most. Being omniscient, Tim's god certainly knew what was going to happen and when. Being omnipotent, stopping it from happening would have been a piece of cake.
We are glad to see Tim back and we wish him the best and hope he leads the Gators to another winning season.
But, Tim needs better protection out there on the gridiron. He needs to be surrounded by protectors with helmets of steel and arms of brass 'cause Tim's god just doesn't care.
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