Everyone knows that the world is ruled by huge, international corporations. Everyone knows that Congress is bought and paid for by huge, international corporations. Everyone knows that huge, international corporations hire lobbyists to worm their way into Washington's inner circles to ensure that huge, international corporations get what they want from the people they have bought and paid for.
One of the ways they do that is to get their lobbyists appointed to federal advisory committees. Yup, that's right! Federal advisory committees. Then they can "advise" the guv'mint on what to do for their corporations!
I wonder how many representatives of the common folks sit on these federal advisory committees?
Everyone also knows that most Congress people, when they've outlived their usefulness on Capitol Hill or have to resign because of some ethical lapse, go to work as lobbyists for the huge, international corporations they served so well while in Congress.
President Obama has made a change in this game plan. Norm Eisen, Obama's "ethics czar," announced the other day that "The White House has informed executive agencies and departments that it is our aspiration that federally-registered lobbyists not be appointed to agency advisory boards and commissions." Eisen went on to say that such lobbyists currently sitting on an agency advisory board not be re-appointed.
K-Street, is mightily pissed! According to CQ Politics, one lobbyist who sits on a committee, said "There is a fury. Absolute fury." I'll bet. No more special access to work against the well-being of the country and the will of the people!
Watch for the hatred against Obama begin to spike! There is nothing they will not do to keep the profits flowing! Nothing!
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