Saturday, October 10, 2009

The pompous predilictions of priestly lies

Manila, the Philippines.

Struck by Ketsana, a powerful typhoon. Hundreds of people killed. Thousands more without housing or food. There is little or no water in certain sections of the city.

The Philippines is a nation fervently dedicated to the Roman Catholic version of Christianity. Thus, it is not surprising that churches throughout the country were jammed following this terrible tragedy. Christian Today noted that worshipers struggled "through high water and floating debris in many places to hear sermons of encouragement."

One can't blame the Filipinos for wanting to hear some good news amidst such devastation.

But what did they hear? Perhaps a radio message by Father Anton C T Pascual, the executive director of the Manila branch of the Catholic charity Caritas, best exemplifies the message:

"God loves you," said the Rev. Father Pascual, "God will not forsake you. Don't lose hope because these trials are challenges that will makes us all the more cling to God, and to unite as brothers and sisters, and to unite as one people."

Yup, that's what he said.

And the people listened. I'd guess most even nodded their heads and thanked their god for her many blessings!

What a crock! God has forsaken them. Hundreds are dead! How do the dead not lose hope, cling to God, and unite with those still living?

Padre Pascual is passing out priestly pap to people desperately in need of straight talk. The truth, Padre, for a change: Your god doesn't give a damn. Your god doesn't care that hundreds of people were killed by Ketsana, and that thousands more have no homes or food.

Your god, Padre, could have stopped that typhoon in its tracks, siphoned off its power, and tamed its fury. Your god, Padre, did not do so. Your god, Padre, killed hundreds of Filipinos!

What kind of horrendous deity do you believe in, Padre? She sends tragedy so that the survivors, beaten and disheartened and hanging by a thread, will better "cling to God"? She sends death and pain and sorrow so that the people whom she didn't kill can "unite as one people"?

What you should have said, Pascual, is that your god has forsaken the people of Manila. That your god, if she exists, is a monster. You should have said to your people that they are on their own. That whatever help they get will come from human beings. That their only hope lies in the goodness of people, not some unseen, hateful deity.

And you might have admitted that you are a charlatan, filled to the brim and overflowing with bullshit!

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