Sunday, September 13, 2009

Theocrats want control of Floridians' sex lives

This from Pam's House Blend.

They call themselves "Personhood Florida," but they are part of a national anti-abortion group. Two days ago, they set about on a campaign "to outlaw all abortions and certain types of birth control, including oral contraceptives and the morning-after pill" in the state of Florida.

These theocratic monkeys, christianist fundamentalists, want to control the sex lives of the people of Florida. Actually, they want to control every American's sex life, but they are currently active in my state and it really pisses me off!

The way they're going about this is by attempting to amend the Florida constitution in such a manner that that constitution would "define conception ... at the 'biological beginnings' ... when the sperm meets the egg."

The amendment also outlaws all abortions. Rape and incest? Yup. No abortions whatsoever. They would "criminalize" oral contraceptives and the morning-after pill.

Now, it doesn't appear likely that these moronic christianist goofballs will get their way. It's tough to amend the Florida constitution - requiring a 60% majority. They tried a similar gambit in Colorado, but the voters said "no way" by a three-to-one margin.

Still, the idea that fruitcakes like this are wandering around Florida and other states seeking to impose their godforsaken religious beliefs on the rest of the people is frightening. But it does go to show that just because someone claims Jesus as his/her savior means absolutely nothing when it comes to being a decent human being and respecting the rights of others!

1 comment:

Bob Poris said...

How about a counter movement to make some abortions retroactive up to 35 years. Let’s vote now!

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