Thursday, September 17, 2009

The "Culture War" by Leonard Pitts, Jr.

Something new is in the air. It's foul, and it stinks. Joe Wilson is an example of that stink, but there are people worse than he is.

Leonard Pitts, Jr., in a Miami Herald column, refers to "a new report from the Intelligence Project of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors extremist groups. 'Terror From The Right' is a listing of bombers, killers, would-be assassins and insurrectionists motivated by anger over abortion, gays, taxes, blacks, Muslims and illegal immigrants."

I think they forgot the Jews!

Pitts details some of the hatred expressed and violence taken, and then says this:

"That's not dissent. It is howl of the unhinged and the entitled. The same folks who were complacent as President Bush spent surplus into deficit, wasted $600 billion and 4,000 American lives on the wrong war and watched a major American city drown are morally outraged because the new guy wants to reform health care?"

Think about that a minute. It's breathtaking. The morons are out in force led by the evil Glenn Beck, the stupid Michele Bachmann, the bastard with the sewer mouth, Rush Limbaugh, and other uncivil, irresponsible traitors to the American Constitution.

Pitts goes on to call much of this dissent what it is - racism. Speaking of the unhinged, he says "many of them, I think - not all - [...] find it hard to accept that the new guy is liberal ... and black."


The dissenters are no longer in control. "The president is black, the secretary of state is a woman, the new Supreme Court justice is Hispanic, the nation is changing, becoming vastly more inclusive."

Some, says Pitts, see that "as an embodiment of threat."

You think?

What bothers me most, however, is that the Repugnican Party, becoming ever more repugnant, has given aid and comfort to the enemies of our fair land. Hell, in many cases, they have joined the enemy! They sit in Congress and yell "You lie!" at the president! They didn't do that when Bush told lie after lie after lie after lie! Any 12-year old who could read knew Bush was lying. So why did they shut their mouths and sit on their hands then?

Bush wasn't black and he was one of them!

The Repugnican Party has become the party of lies. There is no leader in the Repugnican Party with the inclination or the guts to tell the truth; to call the liars in their midst to account; to reject the unhinged, the insane, the dissemblers, the subversives. That's because all the aforementioned have become the base of the Repugnican Party.

Thus, the culture war heats up, it's flames fanned by the honchos who swore to protect the United States from harm!

Which means that any turmoil that ensues, any violence that is perpetrated, any further erosion of the Constitution must fall directly and heavily and eternally on their sloping, very weak shoulders!

Read more of Pitts here.

1 comment:

Bob Poris said...

It is sad but it seems the public doesn’t understand. The excuses and explanations do not ring true. Violence is in the air and most people can do nothing about it. Obviously those that preach it think they are right. Those that are frightened remain silent because they are afraid.

If an assassination were to happen, few would be surprised but all would suddenly be silent again, as always, as usual, etc. Gun don’t kill; people do. People without guns also kill. It should be easier to remove the guns that do kill, than the people that kill but it isn’t. We all sit and wait for the next shoe to drop

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