Sunday, September 20, 2009

Screw you, I've got mine!

From David Sirota at Salon.

"The me-first, screw-everyone-else crowd."

Mr. Sirota is happy because the rightwhitewingnuts are no longer pretending to care about people or their country. "Finally, the me-first, screw-everyone-else crowd's ugliest traits are there for all to behold."

He tells about how this bunch of nogoodniks are crying in their champagne because they might have to pay a surtax in order to subsidize universal healthcare.

The so-called sob-stories are breathtaking, like this "affluent" man's tale:

"Until recently, my family was in the top 3 percent of wage earners. We are in the group that pays close to 60 percent of this nation's taxes .... Think for a second how you would feel if you built a business and contributed more than your share to this country only to be treated like a pariah."

Heh. Heh.

Actually, as Mr. Sirota points out, "The Government Accountability Office reports that most U.S. corporations pay zero federal income tax. [My emphasis] Additionally, as even the Bush Treasury Department admitted, America's effective corporate tax rate is the third lowest in the industrialized world."

And the 60 percent figure mentioned above refers "only to the federal income tax. When considering all of 'this nation's taxes' including payroll, state and local levies, the top 5 percent pay just 38.5 of the taxes," which seems fair as they they make about 36.5 percent of the wealth.

Well, the people they employ make 36.5 percent of the wealth.

So sad. The rich have it so bad. They just can't afford to share. The American poor, the sick, the malnourished will just have to move to...France, get help and healthcare.

Real the entire article here.

1 comment:

Bob Poris said...

I had much difficulty reading such sad news thru my tears.

I never saw a raise in pay that I wouldn’t take due to the increase in my taxes. I never, gladly paid a tax and I never did much to avoid one, being an executive on a salary, with few deductions.

Somehow I sleep better knowing that some of my tax dollars allows some kid to eat, go to school, have shelter, etc. I think it has to do with Judea Christian values, but I am no longer sure. I have been dirt poor and then comfortable. It is better to be comfortable even if I have to pay some taxes. The poor are not always poor because they enjoy it. Many deserve better, they just cannot always get the breaks or take advantage of them., Ever get a job offer but had no way to get to work due to lack of transportation? Frustrating to say the least!

Such wonderful Christian values some people have. What would Jesus say.

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