Friday, September 25, 2009

Antonin Scalia - Papal presence on the Supreme Court

[Image from Yelp]

Antonin Scalia was nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court by Ronald Reagan in 1986. Georgi Bush has praised Antonin Scalia as a great justice.

Scalia is the Supreme Court justice who, not long ago, saw no reason to give a condemned man a new trial even when evidence turned up indicating he was likely not guilty, saying, in a tremendous burst of righteous indignation, that the Supreme Court shouldn't intervene. Or, in other words, execute him!

Scalia is a devout follower of the Papacy in Rome.

And he is back in the news. This from Rob Boston at Talk 2 Action.

Mr. Boston notes that in an interview with an Orthodox Jewish newspaper based in Brooklyn, "Scalia attacks one of the core concepts of church-state separation - the idea that government must remain neutral between religion and non-religion."

This isn't surprising to anyone who knows anything about Roman Catholicism. The Roman Catholic Church has never given up its right to rule the world. If it could, it would rule the United States and put the United States under the authority of the pope. But it cannot, so it works subversively to undermine "core concepts" such as church-state separation.

Scalia is the papal presence on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Boston quotes Scalia as questioning the whole notion of government neutrality re: religion. Scalia has declared that the Establishment Clause drives God out of public life, and that "God protects" the United States of America ... because we honor him as a nation. We invoke Him in our country..."

Scalia, says Mr. Boston, "has been a complete and utter disaster as far as church-state separation is concerned. He was one of two justices to vote in favor of allowing public schools to teach 'creation science.' He has voted to allow government to meddle in school prayer at every turn. He believes taxing people to support religious institutions is just fine. As far as he is concerned, government can festoon itself with the Ten Commandments and other sectarian symbols."

There's more, but suffice it to say that Scalia should have never been confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice. He vowed to uphold the Constitution but does everything he can to undermine it.

In that regard, he is a typical Repugnican conservative. What makes him more dangerous, however, is that he is an agent of an institution which would corrupt the very Constitution the Supreme Court has vowed to honor and protect.

1 comment:

Bob Poris said... see, we believe in the separation of some churches from the state, under certain circumstances, but not always. Perhaps Scalia could not make it within his Church and decided law was for him. Is it possible that George Bush is a secret Catholic, working with the Pope to take over the Supreme Court with both Scalia and Thomas working as one vote, worth two?

Someone has to counter the influence of a secret Muslim they new would become President eventually. Obama obviously has been planning all this since he was born in Kenya, arranged to place a birth announcement in Hawaii at the age of one day. And then decided to use his “black id” as a kid, growing up as an American. He knew that the time would be ripe for a black man to become President, but few believed him. Wow! Dreaming and scheming to become President eventually was a stroke of pure genius! The remarkable thing is he did it!!!! What a marvel of planning. Anyone that can do that deserves to be president. All it took was good planning and sticking to his original plan while trying to get potty trained, learn English, go to school etc. I couldn’t do it and neither could any of my smart kids or grand kids with all their advanced degrees..

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